In this folder, multiple matlab files can be found. Analyse_Data - This file is meant to allow position and time data to be fitted to a sin graph. Depending on the used measurement tools, this file may or may not be useful. Eigenvalue_Estimator - After running one of the main files, this file can be used to estimate the upper and lower bounds for the eigenfrequencies of the system. This should help especially when looking for errors due to insufficient damping or for finding the upper bound for the FRF file. Keep in mind, the desired frequencies are at double the frequency found here. As such, if an upper bound of 50 Hz is found, use at least 100 Hz for the FRF file (preferably after confirming the response using a Main file). Note: depending on if Main 1 or Main 2 is run, the line "k_leaf=k_leaf_1;" may need to be commented to prevent errors. Linear Frequency Divider 1 - The files labeled 1 refer to files meant to evaluate a linear frequency divider in isolation (with no added parts) The main folder can be used to run test using various settings for the masses, springs and actuator settings. The sim value adjust the simulation time in seconds. Make sure the x_m1 value does not exceed the L_leaf value. The FRF file allows for the evaluation of a given system's Frequency Response Function. It is recommended the main file is used first, in combination with the Eigenvalue_Estimator file to confirm the damping is high enough to prevent errors. This script takes some time and will generate a frequency response graph on completion. Linear Frequency Divider 2 - The files labeled 2 and 3 are for evaluation a linear frequency divider with wings and support attached. As before, the main file acts as a control panel, but now only allows adjusting of the actuator settings, simulation time and starting conditions. The Constants file can be used to adjust the masses, stiffnesses and sizes of components. Additionally, by turning the w value from 1 to 0, the masses of the wings can be ignored, allowing evaluation with only support elements. As before, the FRF file allows the evaluation of a given system's Frequency Response Function. It is recommended the main file is used first, in combination with the Eigenvalue_Estimator file to confirm the damping is high enough to prevent errors. This script takes some time and will generate a frequency response graph on completion. Should anything about this be unclear, feel free to contact me at