Delft - 01-2022 Tobias Roest Thanks for downloading my thesis! I hope you find it an interesting read. As audio research is always tricky to write about, I have included a folder with audiofiles. These are some inputs and results from the simulation from Chapter 8 in the thesis, to help you get a better idea of the results. The signals are explained below, using the terminology from the thesis. Have a good listen! Signals: 1,2,3: Announcement signal (S), speech signal (X) and noise signal (N) 4: The sound in the room as it hits the loudspeaker (Hr(Xl,Xl)HlS + Hr(Xx,Xl)X + Hr(Xn,Xl)N) 5: The sound recorded by the loudspeaker (HmHr(Xl,Xl)HlS + HmHr(Xx,Xl)X + HmHr(Xn,Xl)N) 6: The full signal input (Us) 7: The filter output where the desired signal is set to be d(n) = s(n) 8: The filter output where the desired signal is set to be d(n) = s(n) + HmHr(Xl,Xl)HlS, to simulate knowledge on the room and the device 9: The filter output where d(n) is the same as @ 8, but with no speech in the room (recording is HmHr(Xx,Xl)X + HmHr(Xn,Xl)N). This shows the generalisation to other signal types. 10: The filter output where d(n) is the dame as @ 8, but the recording is taken without Hm (Hr(Xl,Xl)HlS + Hr(Xx,Xl)X + Hr(Xn,Xl)N), to simulate using a microphone instead of a loudspeaker.