Advanced subsurface imaging by space-time deconvolution for array-based landmine detection GPR

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The field of my thesis is the migration of GPR data. Many methods that exist now are adapted versions of seismic migration methods that use geometric approaches or back-projection. These methods only take some radar characteristics and only the relative electrical permittiviy er of the soil into account and therefore a new method of migration by deconvolution has been proposed in [6]. Migration by deconvolution does use system characteristics and also soil characteristics (f.e. loss-tangent and ground impulse response) and by doing so can offer an improvement of the results of the migration. A second drawback of the currently available methods is that they require considerable computational effort and as such they are mostly used in offline processing. These drawbacks determine the goal of this thesis work: to implement a fast migration technique by extending the deconvolution approach to the case of the array-based GPR of IRCTR.
