Nature experience of children with physical dissabilities

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This report describes a graduation report for Stichting Bio kinderrevalidatie on the nature experience of children with physical disabilities. It starts with a contextmapping research into the nature experience of children at the terrain of bio and concludes with a design to improve the nature experience of the children. Assignment The terrain of Bio in Arnhem is being redeveloped as a holiday location. Currently the surroundings of the premises are being adapted to facilitate play. The terrain is surrounded by a forest, which is not used much at the moment. Bio wonders how the nature experience of the children that stay at the resort can be improved. Therefore they would like to have an object to be placed on their terrain which lets the children experience nature in a playful way. Analysis To gain insight in the group of users at the Bio terrain and their view on nature and playing outdoors a contextmapping study was set up. Several user groups were involved in this study. The study aimed at answering research questions that were set up in order to come to a valuable design direction. From the research could be concluded that To the participating children nature is virtually everything that is outside. The children do not know much about nature itself, but enjoys being taught on the subject. Some of the children only get in contact with nature when their teachers take them. The children have different attitudes towards nature. While one can see the beauty of things and talks about nature in that way, others just see play possibilities in digging holes and biking on difficult paths. Outdoors most of the children enjoy being active: riding a bike, go-kart or playing games like hide-and-seek or tag. Children in wheelchairs can not always participate, but the children that express they want to participate are helped as much as possible. Jumping on the trampoline is something all children can and like to do. The children who are in a wheelchair lie down on the trampoline to feel the movement of the others. The children always need supervision at the activities they do outside and there is always a caregiver present. The children enjoy playing together. This usually goes well depending on the personalities of the children. Generally children of the same intellectual level bond and will play together. Design From the analysis was concluded that a design that offers play possibilities for all children on the terrain would be designed. The group of children at the Bio terrain was based on the analysis phase divided into three groups. The division of these groups was based on cognitive abilities. With these three groups in mind idea sketches were made. From these sketches 3 ideas were chosen to be developed into concepts. One of these concepts was chosen to be developed into the final design; het Bio Belevingen Bos (The Bio experience forest). The design of the Belevingen Bos consists of different elements or experiencing and doing. The elements are grouped in the forest to provide nature experiences to all children. The Belevingen bos has a central space with a bench from where the parents can watch their children. From the bench there are routes to the other elements in the forest. There are trays in which children can collect and play with natural materials they find in the forest. With bigger materials the children can build their own natural landscape in the ‘build’ area. Three cabins across the terrain offer sensorial experiences like vision and sound, and can get the children in contact with nature by watching birds.


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