Underwater Acoustic Communication Using Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Doppler-Resilient Orthogonal Signal Division Multiplexing

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In this paper, we propose a novel underwater acoustic communication scheme that achieves energy and spectrum efficiency simultaneously by combining Doppler-resilient orthogonal signal division multiplexing (D-OSDM) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) signaling. We present both the transmitter and receiver processing for MIMO D-OSDM. We evaluate the performance of MIMO D-OSDM in simulations with a large inter-symbol interference (60 symbols) and Doppler spread (maximum Doppler shift of 15 Hz). The simulation results show that MIMO D-OSDM achieves almost the same energy efficiency as normal D-OSDM while doubling the spectrum efficiency. We conclude that MIMO D-OSDM can become a viable technique that achieves reliable and effective UWA communication.


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- Embargo expired in 06-06-2019