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(1 - 20 of 56)


Commercialization of project results in research public-private partnerships
Commercialization of project results in research public-private partnerships
Grensvlakstroming en stofoverdracht
Grensvlakstroming en stofoverdracht
Bepaling dynamische breukparameters van hoge dichtheid polyetheen
Bepaling dynamische breukparameters van hoge dichtheid polyetheen
Decoding Covert Speech from EEG
Decoding Covert Speech from EEG: Development of a novel database containing EEG and audio signals during Dutch covert and overt speech
Visual Inertial 3D Modeling
Visual Inertial 3D Modeling: Improving the performance of dense 3D point cloud reconstruction algorithms
Analyzing and applying agent oriented programming methods for teaching purposes
Analyzing and applying agent oriented programming methods for teaching purposes
Submerged breakwater influence on beach hydrodynamics: A 2DV approach
Submerged breakwater influence on beach hydrodynamics: A 2DV approach
Tijdelijke opslagplaatsen voor verontreinigde grond: Een onderzoek naar planologische en geohydrologische aspekten
Tijdelijke opslagplaatsen voor verontreinigde grond: Een onderzoek naar planologische en geohydrologische aspekten
Riding a self-driving bus to work
Riding a self-driving bus to work: Investigating how travellers perceive ADS-DVs on the last mile
Verborgen stedelijke romantiek in de metropool
Verborgen stedelijke romantiek in de metropool
Children's roles in web search
Children's roles in web search
Assessing and modeling the hydrological performance of DIT sewers
Assessing and modeling the hydrological performance of DIT sewers: A case study at Kuiperstraat and H.A.J.M. Schaepmanstraat, Gouda, Netherlands
Exploray: Experiencing circular architecture in a community lab
Nature was never far away
Nature was never far away: Experiencing the urban forest through realms of living, moving and visiting
Moderne landhuizen en villa's uit de wederopbouwperiode in Nederland [1945-1960]
Moderne landhuizen en villa's uit de wederopbouwperiode in Nederland [1945-1960]
Development of a Bayesian Decision Tree Model for Task Classification and its Validation on Parkinson’s Disease Patients
Development of a Bayesian Decision Tree Model for Task Classification and its Validation on Parkinson’s Disease Patients
The assessment of wrinkling and large deformation post-wrinkling of metallic shell structures
The assessment of wrinkling and large deformation post-wrinkling of metallic shell structures
Sustainable densification in Utrecht
Sustainable densification in Utrecht: Testing the Open Space strategy in Rivierenwijk
The Modelling of Suction Caisson Foundations for Multi-Footed Structures
The Modelling of Suction Caisson Foundations for Multi-Footed Structures
Analyses of the Oil Management in High-Temperature Heat Pumps and Modelling of the Oil-Refrigerant Separation
Analyses of the Oil Management in High-Temperature Heat Pumps and Modelling of the Oil-Refrigerant Separation
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