"uuid","repository link","title","author","contributor","publication year","abstract","subject topic","language","publication type","publisher","isbn","issn","patent","patent status","bibliographic note","access restriction","embargo date","faculty","department","research group","programme","project","coordinates" "uuid:d3aaa7ef-b532-4218-84cf-b365c4b7acce","http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:d3aaa7ef-b532-4218-84cf-b365c4b7acce","In search for the added value of FM: What we know and what we need to learn","Jensen, PA; van der Voordt, Theo (TU Delft Real Estate Management); Coenen, C; von Felten, D; Lindholm, AL; Balslev-Nielsen, S; Riratanaphong, C. (TU Delft Real Estate Management); Pfenniger, M","","2012","Purpose
– This article aims to present and compare research perspectives and theoretical reflections from a variety of academic fields on the concept of added value of facilities management.

– The starting point is the so‐called FM Value Map, which was presented in a recent article in Facilities by Per Anker Jensen in 2010. The article is a first result of the work in the EuroFM research collaboration group and is based on literature reviews of the most influential journals within the academic fields of facilities management (FM), corporate real estate management and business‐to‐business marketing.

– Good relationship management and building on trust is shown to be equally important as delivering the agreed services.

– Usually the concept of added value is discussed from a monodisciplinary point‐of‐view. The different backgrounds of the authors add value to an increased understanding of the added value of FM by comparing and testing different ways of conceptualising this issue. This is of great importance to FM research and evidence‐based FM as a sound basis for the long‐term recognition of FM.","Facilities management; Corporate real estate management; Added value; Strategic mapping; Services marketing; Relationship value; Facilities; Real estate; Value added","en","journal article","","","","","","Accepted Author Manuscript","","","","","Real Estate Management","","",""