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Voorneveld, J.D. (author), Engelhard, S. (author), Vos, H.J. (author), Reijnen, M. (author), Gijsen, F.J.H. (author), Versluis, M. (author), Jebbink, E. Groot (author), de Jong, N. (author), Bosch, J. G. (author)
Treatment of abdominal aortic (AA) aneurysms and stenotic lesions may be improved by analyzing their associated blood flow patterns. Angle-independent blood flow patterns in the AA can be obtained by combining echo-particle image velocimetry (ePIV) with high frame rate contrast-enhanced ultrasonography. However, ePIV performance is affected...
journal article 2018
Saaid, Hicham (author), Voorneveld, Jason (author), Schinkel, C.V. (author), Westenberg, Jos (author), Gijsen, F.J.H. (author), Segers, Patrick (author), Verdonck, Pascal (author), de Jong, N. (author), Kenjeres, S. (author)
Left ventricular flow is intrinsically complex, three-dimensional and unsteady. Its features are susceptible to cardiovascular pathology and treatment, in particular to surgical interventions involving the valves (mitral valve replacement). To improve our understanding of intraventricular fluid mechanics and the impact of various types of...
journal article 2019
Keijzer, Lana B.H. (author), Caenen, A.F.M. (author), Voorneveld, J.D. (author), Strachinaru, Mihai (author), Bowen, Daniel J. (author), van der Steen, A.F.W. (author), de Jong, N. (author), Bosch, Johan G. (author), Vos, H.J. (author)
Natural and active shear wave elastography (SWE) are potential ultrasound-based techniques to non-invasively assess myocardial stiffness, which could improve current diagnosis of heart failure. This study aims to bridge the knowledge gap between both techniques and discuss their respective impacts on cardiac stiffness evaluation. We recorded...
journal article 2020
Voorneveld, J.D. (author), Saaid, H. (author), Schinkel, C.V. (author), Radeljic, Nikola (author), Lippe, Boris (author), Gijsen, F.J.H. (author), van der Steen, A.F.W. (author), de Jong, N. (author), Claessens, Tom (author), Vos, H.J. (author), Kenjeres, S. (author), Bosch, Johan G. (author)
Left ventricular (LV) blood flow is an inherently complex time-varying 3-D phenomenon, where 2-D quantification often ignores the effect of out-of-plane motion. In this study, we describe high frame rate 4-D echocardiographic particle image velocimetry (echo-PIV) using a prototype matrix transesophageal transducer and a dynamic LV phantom for...
journal article 2020
Voorneveld, J.D. (author), Keijzer, L.B.H. (author), Strachinaru, Mihai (author), Bowen, Daniel J. (author), Mutluer, Ferit O. (author), van der Steen, A.F.W. (author), Ten Cate, Folkert (author), de Jong, N. (author), Vos, H.J. (author), Van den Bosch, Annemien E. (author), Bosch, Johan G. (author)
High-frame-rate (HFR) echo-particle image velocimetry (echoPIV) is a promising tool for measuring intracardiac blood flow dynamics. In this study, we investigate the optimal ultrasound contrast agent (UCA: SonoVue) infusion rate and acoustic output to use for HFR echoPIV (PRF = 4900 Hz) in the left ventricle (LV) of patients. Three infusion...
journal article 2021
Spiekhout, Sander (author), Voorneveld, J.D. (author), Van Elburg, Benjamin (author), Renaud, G.G.J. (author), Segers, Tim (author), Lajoinie, Guillaume P.R. (author), Versluis, Michel (author), Verweij, M.D. (author), de Jong, N. (author), Bosch, Johannes G. (author)
Ultrasound (US) contrast agents consist of microbubbles ranging from 1 to 10 μm in size. The acoustical response of individual microbubbles can be studied with high-frame-rate optics or an "acoustical camera"(AC). The AC measures the relative microbubble oscillation while the optical camera measures the absolute oscillation. In this article,...
journal article 2022
Wahyulaksana, G. (author), Wei, Luxi (author), Schoormans, Jasper (author), Voorneveld, J.D. (author), van der Steen, A.F.W. (author), de Jong, N. (author), Vos, H.J. (author)
Suppressing tissue clutter is an essential step in blood flow estimation and visualization, even when using ultrasound contrast agents. Blind source separation (BSS)-based clutter filter for high-framerate ultrasound imaging has been reported to perform better in tissue clutter suppression than the conventional frequency-based wall filter and...
journal article 2022
Wahyulaksana, G. (author), Wei, Luxi (author), Voorneveld, J.D. (author), Hekkert, Maaike Te Lintel (author), Strachinaru, Mihai (author), Duncker, Dirk J. (author), de Jong, N. (author), van der Steen, A.F.W. (author), Vos, H.J. (author)
Assessing the coronary circulation with contrast-enhanced echocardiography has high clinical relevance. However, it is not being routinely performed in clinical practice because the current clinical tools generally cannot provide adequate image quality. The contrast agent's visibility in the myocardium is generally poor, impaired by motion...
journal article 2023
Wu, X. (author), Saaid, Hicham (author), Voorneveld, J.D. (author), Claessens, Tom (author), Westenberg, Jos J.M. (author), de Jong, N. (author), Bosch, Johan G. (author), Kenjeres, S. (author)
Purpose: Intraventricular blood flow dynamics are associated with cardiac function. Accurate, noninvasive, and easy assessments of hemodynamic quantities (such as velocity, vortex, and pressure) could be an important addition to the clinical diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases. However, the complex time-varying flow brings many...
journal article 2023
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