Searched for: classification%3A%22TPN400100%22
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Tangelder, M. (author), Ysebaert, T. (author)
Dit onderzoek is onderdeel van het Beleid Ondersteuning 2011 Deltaprogramma Zuidwestelijke Delta (BO-11-015-004) van het Ministerie van EL&I. Deze studie is onderdeel van een 5-tal taken en betreft taak 2 Alternatieve waterkeringen. Klimaatverandering en de daarmee samenhangende zeespiegelstijging, extremere stormen en hogere piekafvoeren van de...
report 2012
Anonymous, A. (author)
HR Wallingford has commenced an engineering review on the Final Closure of Saemangeum Dike. This draft final report represents the completion of the second phase of studies by HR Wallingford and is issued for review by KARICO and discussion with their representatives during meetings planned in Ansan during the second week of October 2005. The...
report 2005
van der Linde, G.H.M. (author), Kind, J. (author), Roosjen, R. (author), Schol, E. (author), Derriks, H. (author), Roodbol, H. (author)
Het rapport bevat een aantal casestudies van waterbouwkundige projecten in Nederland. Per casestudy wordt er vooral ingegaan op het onderzoeks- en besluitvormingsproces. Het besluit wordt geanalyseerd en beoordeeld met de kennis van nu. Is de juiste keuze gemaakt? En zijn alle doelen gehaald en/of de onderzoeksvragen beantwoord? De volgende...
report 2004
Anonymous, A. (author)
HR Wallingford was commissioned by The Rural Research Institute of the Korea Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Corporation to carry out various studies relating to the final closure of the Saemangeum project offshore dikes currently under construction on the western coastline of South Korea. In addition to the numerical modelling of the...
report 2002
Stamhuis, E. (author)
Dit document biedt een persoonlijke terugblik van de in 1998 overleden hoogleraar civiele techniek Eize Stamhuis, die bij de Deltadienst een stempel heeft gezet op de afsluitingstechnieken voor een aantal Deltawerken: de Zandkreekdam, de Veerse-Gatdam, de Grevelingendam, de Volkerakdam, de Haringvlietdam en de Brouwersdam. Voor deze werken zijn...
report 1998
Ho Ngoc Phu, N.P. (author), Le Tan Ham, T.H. (author)
Design of an closure dam and ancillary works at the upstream end of the Tam Giang estuary, Hue province. The main purpose of the works is to prevent salt intrusion. Report in English and Vietnamese.
report 1993
Jonker, A. (author)
Een analyse van de genoemde problemen bij de Koppenwaardse dam. De volgende problemen worden besproken: 1. Waterstand op kruinniveau (geen overstromen) m.b.t. grondmechanische stabiliteit en piping 2. Waterstand hoger dan kruinniveau met als gevolg erosie van kruin en binnentalud 3. Snel vallend water met als gevolg opdrukken van bekleding. Het...
report 1989
Anonymus, N.N. (author)
Detailed design and hydraulic and morphological effect of the construction of the Sandwip closure dam in Bangladesh
report 1986
Van Duivendijk, J. (author)
Overview report of the final design of the Feni closure dam in Bangladesh
report 1983
Catlett, L. (author), Stanton, R. (author), Yildiz, O. (author)
The fourth in a four-volume study to assist the Netherlands government in a policy analysis of alternative control strategies for operating the storm-surge barrier across the Oosterschelde basin. This volume describes the simulation model of the storm-surge barrier and basin used to estimate the variation with time of different water levels...
report 1979
Wildhorn, S. (author), Stanton, R. (author)
The second in a four-volume study to assist the Netherlands government in a policy analysis of alternative control strategies for operating the storm-surge barrier across the Oosterschelde basin. This volume describes the sensitivity analysis and shows why two specific strategy representations were selected for further evaluation from the three...
report 1979
Catlett, L. (author), Hall, G. (author)
The third in a four-volume study to assist the Netherlands government in a policy analysis of alternative control strategies for operating the storm-surge barrier across the Oosterschelde basin. This volume describes and evaluates several models for predicting North Sea water levels outside the barrier. The models include prediction based on...
report 1979
Catlett, L. (author), Wildhorn, S. (author), Stanton, R. (author), Roos, A. (author), Al, J. (author)
The first in a four-volume study to assist the Netherlands government in a policy analysis of alternative control strategies for operating the storm-surge barrier across the Oosterschelde basin. For each alternative, the project analyzed several consequences or "impacts," including the safety of the dikes along the Oosterschelde; the effects on...
report 1979
Goeller, B.F. (author), Abrahamse, A.F. (author), Bigelow, J.H. (author), Bolten, J.G. (author), De Ferranti, D.M. (author), De Haven, J.C. (author), Kirkwood, T.F. (author), Petruschell, R.L. (author)
The first volume in a series of reports describing the methodology and results of a joint research venture between RAND and the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat. The POLANO project was founded to help the Dutch government analyze the different alternatives (open, closed, and storm-surge barrier cases) for protecting the Oosterschelde region from...
report 1977
De Ferranti, J.F. (author), Heuer, F.J.P. (author), Weehuizen, J.W. (author)
The sixth volume in a series of reports describing the methodology and results of a joint research venture between RAND and the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat. The POLANO project was founded to help the Dutch government analyze the different alternatives (open, closed, and storm-surge barrier cases) for protecting the Oosterschelde region from...
report 1977
Abrahamse, A.F. (author), Bigelow, J.H. (author), Gladstone, R.J. (author), Goeller, B.F. (author), Kirkwood, T.F. (author), Petruschell, R.L. (author)
The second volume in a series of reports describing the methodology and results of a joint research venture between RAND and the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat. The POLANO project was founded to help the Dutch government analyze the different alternatives (open, closed, and storm-surge barrier cases) for protecting the Oosterschelde region from...
report 1977
Bigelow, J.H. (author), De Haven, J.C. (author)
The fifth volume in a series of reports describing the methodology and results of a joint research venture between RAND and the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat. The POLANO project was founded to help the Dutch government analyze the different alternatives (open, closed, and storm-surge barrier cases) for protecting the Oosterschelde region from...
report 1977
Bigelow, J.H. (author), Bolten, J.G. (author), De Haven, J.C. (author)
The fourth volume in a series of reports describing the methodology and results of a joint research venture between RAND and the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat. The POLANO project was founded to help the Dutch government analyze the different alternatives (open, closed, and storm-surge barrier cases) for protecting the Oosterschelde region from...
report 1977
Bigelow, J.H. (author), De Haven, J.L. (author), Dzitzer, C. (author), Eilers, P. (author), Peeters, J.C.H. (author)
The third volume in a series of reports describing the methodology and results of a joint research venture between RAND and the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat. The POLANO project was founded to help the Dutch government analyze the different alternatives (open, closed, and storm-surge barrier cases) for protecting the Oosterschelde region from...
report 1977
Anonymus, A. (author)
Deze analyse is een systematische verkenning van de consequenties die het nemen van de bealissing inzake de Oosterschelde heeft voor allerlei aspecten van de samenleving. Deze analyse kan er uiteraard niet voor zorgen dat het gekozen alternatief zonder meer ieders instemming heeft. Wel kan ze ertoe bijdragen, dat het probleem er voor alle...
report 1976
Searched for: classification%3A%22TPN400100%22
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