Searched for: subject%3A%22Scouring%22
(81 - 100 of 179)


Hoffmans, G.J.C.M. (author)
Het doel van het handboek ontgrondingen is een antwoord te geven op ontgrondingsvraagstukken zoals een ontwerper van waterbouwkundige constructies die tegenkomt. Verschillende deelstudies worden voor het afronden van dit handboek uitgevoerd. Het verifiëren van ontgrondingsformules staat centraal in deze studies. Hier is de voorspellingskracht...
report 1995
Hoffmans, G.J.C.M. (author)
Het handboek ontgrondingen beoogt een instrument te zijn om de grootte van lokale ontgrondingskuilen rondom brugpijlers, kribben, achter drempels met of zonder bodembescherming, uitlaatconstructies, strandmuren, strandhoofden, etc. te voorspellen. Met het handboek kunnen ontwerpers en adviseurs een eerste schatting van het ontgrondingsproces...
report 1994
Fahlbusch, F.E. (author)
Because of the potential risk of undermining foundations, adequate control of scour is an integral part of dam safety for both new and existing dams. Repair of damage caused by high energy jets can be extensive and costly, therefore enhancing understanding of the scour mechanism and improved methods for predicting plunge pool size is of...
report 1994
Hoffmans, G.J.C.M. (author)
Scour is a natural phenomenon caused by the flow of water in rivers and streams. Scour occurs naturally as part of the morphological changes of rivers and as result of structures man-made. Several types of scour can be distinghuished. Experience has shown that due to sand or flow slides or micro instabilities at the end of the bed protection,...
report 1993
Van der Velden, E.T.J.M. (author)
Het transport en de erosie van mengsels van zand met 10 tot 30% slib is onderzocht. Zowel het transport in de algemene zin als de erosie rond pijpleidingen is in beschouwing genomen. De transport karakteristieken van zand waar zich slib in bevindt verschillen van die van zuiver zand. De critische bodemschuifspanning neemt toe voor een toenemend...
report 1993
Hoffmans, G.J.C.M. (author)
Scour is the lowering of the sea or river-bed as a result of non-equilibrium sediment transport conditions and can be divided into several categories (Breusers and Raudkivi, 1991). Local scour, which may occur at the base of a structure because of the affected flow pattern, can severely endanger the stability of this structure. Many varieties of...
report 1993
Hoffmans, G.J.C.M. (author), Booij, R. (author)
Excessive local scour can progressively undermine the foundation of a structure. Because complete protection against scour is too expensive generally, the maximum scour-depth and the upstream slope of the scour hole have to be predicted to minimize the risk of failure. In 1961 a systematical research 'tY'ith respect to scour holes started in the...
conference paper 1993
Meijer, D.G. (author), Hofmans, G.J.C.M. (author), Otta, A.K. (author)
report 1992
Franco, L. (author)
Italy is often considered as a mother country of vertical breakwaters for harbour protection, since they have been widely used all along our coasts long since. An updated location map is given in fig. 1, which also shows the position of the directional wave recording stations of the existing Italian network. The most common vertical breakwaters...
report 1992
Kolkman, P.A. (author)
Gecombineerde grafische voorstelling Moody/Shields voor de kritieke snelheid voor het begin van beweging van korrels, bepalende grootheden van evenwichtsdiepte en groei van ontgrondingskuilen
report 1992
Mastbergen, D.R. (author)
De proefresultaten van het experimentele onderzoek naar de ontgrondingskuilafmetingen bij persleidingbreuk, M1007, [3], alsmede een aantal praktijkgevallen zijn opnieuw geanalyseerd. Daartoe moesten een aantal grootheden opnieuw berekend worden uit de gearchiveerde meetgegevens. Er zijn een aantal dimensieloze parameters afgeleid, gebaseerd op...
report 1991
Wal, M. van der (author), Driel, G. van (author), Verheij, H.J. (author)
report 1991
Wal, M. van der (author)
report 1991
Herbich, J.B. (author)
Review of knowledge regarding scour near pipelines and other offshore structures.
report 1991
Hoffmans, G.J.C.M. (author)
Some information is given how to use the scour model DUCT-SUSTRA (Hoffmans, 1991). The scour model predicts the morphological process in scour holes or trenches and consists of two separated sub-models: a flow model DUCT and a morphological model SUSTRA. The flow model is based on the equation of continuity and the momentum equations for...
report 1991
Hoffmans, G.J.C.M. (author)
Flume experiments with small Froude numbers have been carried out to study the concentration field in a local scour hole without supply of sediment load. The measuring results will be used to check the validity of the two dimensional scour model DUCT-SUSTRA. The objective of the experiments was to measure the concentrations at various locations...
report 1990
Jorissen, R.E. (author), Vrijling, J.K. (author)
Downstream a hydraulic construction the original bed of a watercourse is usually protected against scour. This scour is caused by changes of the water movement due to the construction. Nevertheless scour occurs downstream this protection. The scouring process can be described by an empirical relation. The most important parameter of this...
report 1989
Steetzel, H.J. (author)
In het kader van onderzoek naar de veiligheid van de Nederlandse kust is in opdracht van de Technische Adviescommissie voor de Waterkeringen een inventaristie gemaakt van de over ontgrondingskuilen beschikbare gegevens. Op basis van uitgevoerd modelonderzoek en beschikbare literatuur gegevens zijn enige conclusies getrokken omtrent de vorm en...
report 1988
Hoffmans, G.J.C.M. (author)
The general purpose of this research project is to model mathematically the local scour downstream of a structure (2-D). The model has to simulate the development of the scour as a function of the time. Basically two models are necessary namely a flow model and a morphological model. The latter model has to describe the bed and suspended load...
report 1988
Hoffmans, G.J.C.M. (author)
The general purpose of this research project is to model mathematically the scour-hole downstream of a structure (2-D). The model has to simulate the development of the scour as a function of time. Basically two models are necessary namely a flow model and a morphological model. The latter has to describe the bed- and suspended load and the...
report 1988
Searched for: subject%3A%22Scouring%22
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