A.C.J. Hewitson

3 records found


Radical Vernacular

A New Ethiopian Urbanity

Addis Ababa is a city experiencing a huge population boom, and where the vast majority of housing can be classified as “slum”. State-owned kebele housing, which houses an estimated 40% of the city’s inhabitants, has very low rents but is not maintained, leading to deterioration. ...
This graphic novel is the result of a micro-ethnographic research to Gerji, a district of Addis Ababa. Using graphic techniques borrowed from the architecture discipline, this graphic novel aims at bringing together representations of everyday life in the Gerji neighbourhood, tha ...
This research booklet brings together a selection of a qualitative analysis to aspects that characterize the History, Religion, Politics, Arts and Craftsmanship of Ethiopia, in general, and Addis Ababa in particular. This booklet compiles information collected from different sour ...