63 records found
A newly installed research infrastructure for geothermal energy in a subsurface sedimentary reservoir for direct-use heating
The TU Delft campus geothermal project
A newly installed research infrastructure for geothermal energy in a subsurface sedimentary reservoir for direct-use heating
The TU Delft campus geothermal project
A newly installed research infrastructure for geothermal energy in a subsurface sedimentary reservoir for direct-use heating
The TU Delft campus geothermal project
Reservoir Heterogeneities in the Buntsandstein Subgroup
Investigating the Role of Sedimentary Facies
Reservoir Heterogeneities in the Buntsandstein Subgroup
Investigating the Role of Sedimentary Facies
Drilling report
Delftse Hout multipurpose research borehole - DAPGEO-02
Astronomical forcing of meter-scale organic-rich mudstone–limestone cyclicity in the Eocene Dongying sag, China
Implications for shale reservoir exploration
The middle Eocene Dongying sag in the Bohai Bay Basin of China has an estimated shale oil resource of approximately 1.1 billion t (8.06 billion bbl); flows of shale oil have been produced in the succession from tens of wells, where the daily production of a single well general ...
Astronomical forcing of Carboniferous paralic sedimentary cycles in the Upper Silesian Basin, Czech Republic (Serpukhovian, latest Mississippian)
New radiometric ages afford an astronomical age model for European biozonations and substages
The ~ 3-km-thick Ostrava Formation in the foreland Upper Silesian Basin, which is located along the Czech-Polish border, provides the thickest and most complete record of mixed shallow-marine to continental sediments of Serpukhovian (Carboniferous) age in the former equatorial ...
Patterns and timing of loess-paleosol transitions in Eurasia
Constraints for paleoclimate studies
Loess-paleosol sequences are the most extensive terrestrial paleoclimate records in Europe and Asia documenting atmospheric circulation patterns, vegetation, and sedimentary dynamics in response to glacial-interglacial cyclicity. Between the two sides of the Eurasian continent ...
Patterns and timing of loess-paleosol transitions in Eurasia
Constraints for paleoclimate studies
Loess-paleosol sequences are the most extensive terrestrial paleoclimate records in Europe and Asia documenting atmospheric circulation patterns, vegetation, and sedimentary dynamics in response to glacial-interglacial cyclicity. Between the two sides of the Eurasian continent ...
Data-driven Discrete Well Affinity (DiWA) Model for Production Forecast
Optimization Performance and Model Enhancement
Alluvial Stratigraphic Response to Astronomical Climate Change
Numerical modelling and outcrop study in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA
Preloading of a lumpy clay fill
A study into the closure of the interlump voids of a mechanically dredged stiff clay fill
in water result in a matrix of clay lumps and an ...
Semi-automatic fold detection in geological outcrops using Laser Scanning data
Applied to a limestone-marl sequences in the Vocontian Basin, France
Automated photogrammetry of outcrops
With MicMac
Sequence stratigraphic analysis of Eridanos deltaic shallow gas-bearing deposits in North Sea
An insight into the shallow Dutch subsurface
been deposited by Eridanos fluvio-deltaic system, draining ...