A. Kranzbühler
18 records found
In Design-Driven Innovation (D-DI) the meaning of a product or service is radically innovated to introduce a new paradigm that ideally can benefit people, companies, and society as a whole. However, due to the associated risks, most companies are hesitant to engage with and ad ...
Correction to
Beyond valence: a meta-analysis of discrete emotions in firm-customer encounters (Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, (2020), 48, 3, (478-498), 10.1007/s11747-019-00707-0)
Tables 4, 5 and 6 in the original version of this article contained some incorrect calculations. The correct tables are shown below. (Table presented.).
@enWhen Similarity Beats Expertise - Differential Effects of Patient and Expert Ratings on Physician Choice
Field and Experimental Study
Beyond valence
A meta-analysis of discrete emotions in firm-customer encounters
Distinguishing between consumers’ positive and negative affect is a popular approach in both marketing research and practice, but such valence-based approaches sacrifice specificity and explanatory power. As emotions of the same valence can greatly differ with regard to their ...
Outsourcing the Pain, Keeping the Pleasure
Effects of Outsourced Touchpoints in the Customer Journey
The Multilevel Nature of Customer Experience Research
An Integrative Review and Research Agenda
Designing Outdoor Inclusion
Improving diversity and inclusivity in outdoor sports through co-creation
Delivering B2B experiences that make Exact stand out
A participatory learning approach to Customer Journey Management
Defining the brand SINNER
Proposing a new strategic vision and creating a brand book
The 'Merk Monitor'
A data-driven approach towards capturing Brand Experience
Engage customer-facing employees by real-time customer status
A solution to optimize supportive resources for enabling customer-facing employees and improving customer satisfaction
Goal-oriented retreats
An enhanced professional experience based on a service design approach
This thesis represents the result of a graduation project for the Master Strategic Product Design at the Delft University of Technology carried out in collaboration with citizenM. citizenM is a Nethe ...