L. Phan Khanh

5 records found


The authors regret that there was a typo in Equation (14b). 

A new wave-vegetation model is implemented in an open-source code, SWASH (Simulating WAves till SHore). The governing equations are the nonlinear shallow water equations, including non-hydrostatic pressure. Besides the commonly considered drag force induced by vertical vegetation ...

Wave attenuation in coastal mangroves

Mangrove squeeze in the mekong delta

This study explores the influence of the wave characteristics on the attenuation process of waves through coastal mangroves, which are threatened by the coastal mangrove squeeze phenomenon. Coastal mangrove squeeze is the phenomenon where coastal regions, even when sediment avail ...
Wave attenuation through mangrove forests has received more and more attention, especially in the context of increasing coastal erosion and sea-level-rise. Numerous studies have focused on studying the reduction of wave height in a mangrove forest. However, the understanding of t ...


Physical modelling of reflection on gentle coasts

Comparing methods to analyse long waves and optimising the lay-out for a wave absorber to minimise reflection in a wave flume

Studying mangroves in the field can be very difficult; therefore it is in some situations better to model in a flume. The question is, to what extend are the situation in the field and the situation in the flume comparable with each other? This study focusses on reflection in the ...