Topology optimization is a valuable tool for the optimization of all kinds of structures. It can create highly efficient but complex designs. This complexity can make these structures challenging to clean. However, cleanability is often a requirement in, for example, the medical
Topology optimization is a valuable tool for the optimization of all kinds of structures. It can create highly efficient but complex designs. This complexity can make these structures challenging to clean. However, cleanability is often a requirement in, for example, the medical or food industries. Currently, no method exists to reduce the complexity and create these cleanable structures using topology optimization. The goal of this project is to create a method that can generate two-dimensional cleanable structures. In this context, cleanability has been defined using two requirements. Every section of the surface must be visible, and no sharp edges can appear on the exterior. These requirements are met by generating a structural and cleanable shell around the design. The shell needs to be optimized to minimize the compliance of the entire structure. The addition of this shell has been achieved by the use of a hybrid method. This method combines two structural optimization methods, a level-set method, and the modified SIMP approach. The level-set method acts as a shape optimization method. Its shape forms a boundary in which the modified SIMP method is used to generate a design. Material is placed at this boundary of the level-set shape to create a shell that encloses the structure. Experiments on several sets of boundary conditions show a successful creation of a shell in every case. The resulting designs are not guaranteed to be cleanable, but a satisfactory result has been achieved in every case by changing some parameters. This method sets the stage for further development toward the application of topology optimization to create cleanable designs.