43 records found


Guess What

Test Case Generation for Javascript with Unsupervised Probabilistic Type Inference

Search-based test case generation approaches make use of static type information to determine which data types should be used for the creation of new test cases. Dynamically typed languages like JavaScript, however, do not have this type information. In this paper, we propose an ...
Transaction-reverting statements are key constructs within Solidity that are extensively used for authority and validity checks. Current state-of-the-art search-based testing and fuzzing approaches do not explicitly handle these statements and therefore can not effectively detect ...
State-of-the-art search-based approaches for test case generation work at test case level, where tests are represented as sequences of statements. These approaches make use of genetic operators (i.e., mutation and crossover) that create test variants by adding, altering, and remo ...


On the intuitive level, software testing is important because it assures the quality of the software used by humans. However, ensuring this quality is not an easy task because as the complexity of the software increases, so do the efforts to test it. Search-based software testing ...
Software testing is an important but time-consuming task, making automatic test case generation an appealing solution. The current state-of-the-art algorithm for test case generation is DynaMOSA, which is an improvement of NSGA-II that applies domain knowledge to make it more sui ...
Software testing, a critical phase in the software development lifecycle, is often hindered by the time-intensive and costly manual creation of test cases. While automating test case generation could mitigate these challenges, its adoption in the industry has been limited due to ...
Software testing is an important yet time consuming task in the software development life cycle. Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms have been used to automate this task and have proven to be proficient at it. This research focuses on the automated testing of JavaScript progr ...
In recent decades, automatic test generation has advanced significantly, providing developers with time-saving benefits and facilitating software debugging. While most research in this field focused on search-based test generation tools for statically-typed languages, only a few ...
Kotlin is a programming language best known for its interoperability with Java, as well as the measurable improvements it offers over it. Since it became Android’s go-to language in 2019, the popularity and impact of Kotlin have risen greatly. Amidst this surge in popularity, the ...

Blockchains and Security

Grammar-Based Evolutionary Fuzzing for JSON-RPC APIs and the Division of Responsibilities

The continual increase in cyber crime revolving blockchain applications calls for secure blockchain systems and clarity on the division of security responsibilities. This research is an integrated project between two master programmes at the Delft University of Technology: Comput ...
Traditional software testing is a labor-intensive and expensive manual process. To mitigate the high cost of manual test case generation, researchers have developed various techniques for automated test case generation over the last few decades. These techniques make use of stati ...
Understanding the behaviour of a software system plays a key role in its development and maintenance processes. Unfortunately, accurate and concise models are not always available during development, due to the rapid changes in the structure and scale systems may undergo during t ...
An essential step of software development is obtaining an understanding of the behaviour of a system. Accurate state models of system behaviour might help software developers build such an understanding. There exist several techniques for automatically inferring models on system ...
Large software systems today require increasingly complex models of their execution to aid the analysis of their behavior. Such execution models are impractical to compile by hand, and current approaches to their automated generation are either not generalizable or not scalable e ...
System behavior models are highly useful for the developers of the system as they aid in system comprehension, documentation, and testing. Even though methods to obtain such models exist, e.g. profiling, tracing, source code inference and existing log-based inference methods, the ...
The XRP network (Ripple network) is a global transaction network that settles trans- actions in seconds. It is a technology that provides new opportunities for traditional fi- nancial institutions and startups. In the XRP network, participants depend on each other’s functioning. ...
Ripple is a relatively new payments network that aims to improve the financial system by unifying its underlying infrastructure. Given its critical function, its system must be reliable and free of bugs. Therefore it should be tested extensively. One of the test methods that has ...
To validate the quality of software, test cases are used. These test cases are often manually-written, which is labor-intensive. To avoid this problem, automated software testing was invented. Search-based software testing is a useful tool for developers to automatically generate ...
Automated generation of system tests for RESTful APIs has been extensively investigated. Previous investigations use either a white box or a blackbox approach, wherein the quality of the test cases can be assessed on the HTTP response in the prior and also on the results o ...
Randomized variational operators can be very disruptive to the search process, especially when there exist dependencies between the variables under search. Within test-cases, these dependencies exist as well. This makes it interesting to evaluate the benefits of preserving these ...