R. Binnekamp

66 records found


Preference-Based Decision Support for Quay Wall Assessment

Determining the preferred configuration of structural adjustments using the optimisation method of Preferendus

In response to the European Commission's initiative to shift freight transport from road to inland waterways, there is a need to expand the capacity of inland ports to accommodate larger cargo ships. This expansion requires lowering the water bottom, which will increase the force ...

Network restructuring as a way to mitigate project delays

A multicriteria and optimization approach for network restructuring as a strategy to mitigate project delays in large infrastructure projects; an alternative perspective on the Mitigation Controller

Purpose - This development project is focused on the combination of project scheduling and risk mitigation for large infrastructure projects. The aim of this project is to develop a model that can automatically restructure the network schedule to enable that delay is mitigated as ...

Preference and Performance Based Design & Decision Systems in Offshore & Dredging Engineering

A multi-objective design/decision optimisation approach based on sound mathematical modelling of both preference and physical design performance functions

Why do engineers often design what people don't want? And why do people often want solutions that are not feasible? This is because the current design and decision support optimisation methodologies are one-sided and ignore or fail to capture the dynamic interaction between peopl ...

"MitC-GERT"-An alternate network distribution in mitigation controller

Probabilistic restructuring of complex construction project activity linking using GERT

The purpose of this graduation thesis entitled "Probabilistic restructuring of complex construction project activity linking using GERT: an alternate network distribution in mitigation controller" is to analyse the effect of project network structures when the duration of the pro ...

Preference based decision support system for Waelpolder

An a priori design optimization approach (PDOA) as decision support system, applied to the urban development of Waelpolder

Negotiations in urban development projects can take a long time, going back and forward to the designer many times, even leading to stalemate situations. Requirements can be set intuitively, without knowing what the side effects of the constraints will be for the urban developmen ...

Stimulating Sustainable Corporate Real Estate

Developing a Sustainability Reference Model for the Preference-based Accommodation Strategy

Environmental sustainability has become an urgent matter on the Dutch political agenda, which will affect the built environment in the near future. Consequently, organizations have to adapt their real estate to new regulations for building performance and their own sustainability ...

Self-compacting alkali-activated slag concrete

Development of mixture designs, material properties, life-cycle analysis and market validation

Currently, Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete accounts for the world's 8-10% anthropogenic carbon/ greenhouse (GHG) emissions, where 90-95% of the emissions are due to the production of OPC. A 200% increase in OPC demand is projected by 2050 from 2010 levels. Therefore, it i ...

Piece small jacket removal vs. single lift jacket removal

Development of a method for deciding on optimal jacket removal methods

Marine contractors as Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC) have made decommissioning part of their core business. Being the owner of two of the largest semi-submersible crane vessels (SSCVs), the choice for single lift jacket removal is straightforward. However, jackets in the Northe ...

Virtual Assistant for maintenance budget estimation

Using Machine Learning to improve the objectivity of maintenance budget estimates of civil engineering structures

With an increase of data documentation and standardization in the construction field in The Netherlands, by norms such as the NEN, there is a possibility to introduce data-driven approaches to certain areas within the construction industry. One of these is the area of budget esti ...

Extension of the Mitigation Controller for construction costing on the run

Minimizing cost overruns for construction projects

Construction projects are notorious for going over budget. It is important for a project manager to have as much grip on the financial situation of the project as possible. In order to deal with the uncertainty that is prevalent in a construction project, a project manager should ...

Project Strategy Generation and Visualization Assistant for Schedule Delays

Integrating Evolutionary Algorithm in Lean + BIM Approaches

Projects in the Complex Engineer-to-order (ETO) sector are subjected to frequent schedule delays caused by engineering changes, supply chain delays and fabrication delays. Project organizations are faced with the challenge of realigning the project duration within the pre-determi ...

Urban mining in design and construction processes

A study on implementing urban mining of existing building elements in the local housing for improving the construction industry towards a circular economy

In most of the current starting construction projects, most stakeholders use virgin materials for building elements. Considering climate change, building materials are getting scarce, it is necessary to reduce the number of virgin building materials and improve circularity in the ...
Currently, the inland shipping industry is not sufficiently incentivised to invest in sustainable technologies in order to reduce their emissions. The industry itself wants to be more sustainable, but there is insufficient financial room to invest in alternative technologies. Bes ...

Business process automation through ChatBots implementation

A case study of an IT service process at Philips

Nowadays, the term "automation" is gaining extensive interest in both industrial and business fields. There is also a trend of achieving deeper automation in the business processes, which is a part of Business Process Automation (BPA). Among various BPA technologies, Robotic Proc ...
Infrastructure projects in the construction industry are complex. This complexity leads to unavoidable changes in scope. When scope changes are not formalized and managed correctly, it is a risk contributing to project failure. A scope change that is not formalized is scope cree ...
Purpose – One of the long-standing issues in the field of real estate management is the alignment of demand and supply. When building retrofit is initiated to comply with changing demands, the decision-maker has to deal with several, often competing, criteria. Smart systems have ...

Process improvement of Damen Shipyards Galati pre-processing

Merging two pre-processing facilities by implementing Lean Manufacturing

An improvement study to the pre-processing process of Damen Shipyards Galati (DSGa) is performed since benchmark analysis shows that the current pre-processing process underperforms, compared to industry peers. The objective is to increase DSGa’s throughput and decrease space uti ...

The Future Value of Investing in Adaptivity in Offices

A financial decision model for an investor to value the future value of adaptivity in an office building in the Netherlands by using the Real Options Analysis

With the rapid development of real estate market, due to trends as the change in the way of working and automation/digitalisation of working processes, flexibility is one of the most important tasks for owner/investors of office buildings to invest in. Currently, 60% of the vacan ...

Business case optimisation for the development of energy neutral residential neighbourhoods

Linear programming applied in a decision support tool for business case optimisation of multi-actor decision-making processes in the realization of energy neutral residential neighbourhoods consisting of all-electric, single-family and owner-occupied dwellings from the viewpoint of the real estate developer

Context – The stricter regulations on energy-efficient developments to prevent climate change and resource depletion, the expected rising energy prices and hence the rising monthly living costs for households, the changing process in urban area development, the demand for housing ...
Research on the influence of political and economic uncertainty on the decision-factors for accommodation decision-making in corporate real estate management. Research showed that economic uncertainty, and not political uncertainty, did influence the decision criteria during the ...