With global urbanization, cities all around the world are changing. Rotterdam is expected to grow significantly in the upcoming decades and therefore will experience densification. This densification takes shape in the form of Rotterdam’s high-rise strategy and will have a direct
With global urbanization, cities all around the world are changing. Rotterdam is expected to grow significantly in the upcoming decades and therefore will experience densification. This densification takes shape in the form of Rotterdam’s high-rise strategy and will have a direct influence on the way residents live in the inner city center of Rotterdam. Therefore, the need for leisure amenities in dense area’s is of significant importance. With leisure-time being an important part of the day, investing in a wide range of amenities is crucial for a city center. In this project, the focus is on leisure sports, which is known as a space consuming function. This results in the following research question: How can space consuming leisure sports be implemented in a densified city center, in order to be a social condenser? The design assignment will be a leisure sports facility in the city center of Rotterdam. This building aims to engage the residents in sports and social activities and thus intensify their social interaction. By looking to other countries, this project can be a future migration of the Athletic Club; a combination of a social club and a sports club. This typology is the main reference for the final design; a tower filled with stacked sport facilities and social amenities.