P.T. Tempel
5 records found
The acquisition of elemental and chemical distribution images on the surface of cultural heritage objects has provided us new insights into our past. The techniques commonly employed, such as macroscopic X-ray fluorescence imaging (MA-XRF), in general require pointwise or whisk-b
Design and analysis of cable-driven parallel robot CaRISA
A cable robot for inspecting and scanning artwork
Cultural heritage science envisages understanding of methods and techniques used by past painters and sculptors in creating their masterpieces of art. Existing devices for in situ and non-destructive, automated scanning are large and bulky and built around the assumption of a ...
In many sectors such as the aerospace industry, the manufacturing of rotating components is based on multi-stage production systems to achieve the complex requirements of high quality products. Even in the presence of Industry 4.0 and the increasing connectivity, these systems ...
In cable driven parallel robots (CDPRs), the end effector or moving platform is actuated by multiple cables in parallel that are wound on winches, which are located on a frame. Compared to classical parallel robots, such as the Delta robot, CDPRs have a lower inertia due to low c
Cable Driven Parallel Robots, or CDPRs, might provide art historians and curators with an improved automated way of scanning 3D art objects. This application requires CDPRs to rotate around a 3D object with large panning and tilting, while avoiding collisions. While no designs ex