CE has been
used for more than two decades now. Despite many successes and advantages,
there are still many challenges to be addressed. These challenges are both
technical and organisational. In the paper we will address the current
challenges of CE. Many challenges are related t
CE has been
used for more than two decades now. Despite many successes and advantages,
there are still many challenges to be addressed. These challenges are both
technical and organisational. In the paper we will address the current
challenges of CE. Many challenges are related to the exchange of data and knowledge
and to the systems that make data and knowledge exchange possible. Although
much progress has been made in enabling extensive data and knowledge exchange
and use, much remains to be wished. For example, there are still barriers to
data exchange. Technically, these barriers may consist of different formats, differences
in infrastructures and systems, and different semantics. There are also organisational
and political barriers. For example, investment in information system may
heavily impact upstream suppliers, while revenues of better information
exchange may predominantly be gained by downstream actors. Without sharing
costs and revenues, chain-wide information exchange will not be easily
realised. Another barrier is the possible lack of willingness to share information,
because of potential misuse of knowledge and loss of power. The paper is
organised as follows. First we will describe the current manifestation of CE as
described in a recent book. Second, we will list current trends in CE. Third, we
will present some Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that are considered relevant for
implementing and adapting CE practices. Last, we indicate some research and practical
questions to be addressed, especially for areas that have a high potential and
actual impact.