Carolyn D. Langen

5 records found


Introduction: Typical brain development is characterized by specific patterns of maturation of functional networks. Cortico-cortical connectivity generally increases, whereas subcortico-cortical connections often decrease. Little is known about connectivity changes amongst dif ...

Previous studies have linked global burden of age-related white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) to cognitive impairment. We aimed to determine how WMHs in individual white matter connections relate to measures of cognitive function relative to measures of connectivity which do ...

The structural disconnectome

A pathology-sensitive extension of the structural connectome

Brain connectivity is increasingly being studied using connectomes. Typical structural connectome definitions do not directly take white matter pathology into account. Presumably, pathology impedes signal transmission along fibres, leading to a reduction in function. In order ...

We present the largest population-based heritability study of the human brain structural connectome, including a pathology-sensitive extension, the disconnectome. The disconnectome maps the effect of white matter lesions throughout the brain. The connectome and disconnectome were ...

White matter lesions play a role in cognitive decline and dementia. One presumed pathway is through disconnection of functional networks. Little is known about location-specific effects of lesions on functional connectivity. This study examined location-specific effects within ...