The present study has established the direct pseudo–first-order reaction kinetics of different aqueous-based single and blended amines over the temperature range of 298.15-313.15 K using stopped-flow techniques. The single amines include one primary amine (monoethanolamine, MEA),
The present study has established the direct pseudo–first-order reaction kinetics of different aqueous-based single and blended amines over the temperature range of 298.15-313.15 K using stopped-flow techniques. The single amines include one primary amine (monoethanolamine, MEA), two secondary amines (diethanolamine, DEA and 2-ethyl(amino)ethanol, 2EAE), four tertiary amines (N-methyldiethanolamine, MDEA, 1-dimethylamino-2-propanol, 1DMA2P, 3-dimethylamino-1-propanol, 3DMA1P, and 2-dimethylaminoethanol, 2DMAE), one sterically hindered amine (2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol, AMP), and one cyclic diamine (piperazine, PZ). The blend systems used are MEA/PZ, DEA/PZ, MDEA/PZ, AMP/PZ, MEA/AMP, MDEA/2EAE, 1DMA2P/2EAE, 3DMA1P/2EAE, and 2DMAE/2EAE. Different reaction mechanisms for the reaction of CO2 with aqueous solutions of amines, such as base-catalysis, zwitterion, termolecular, hybrid of zwitterion, hybrid of base-catalysis-zwitterion, and hybrid of base-catalysis-termolecular reaction mechanisms, are used to correlate the experimental data. For the single amines, the zwitterion mechanism is well suited to fit the experimental data of primary, secondary, sterically hindered and cyclic amines with an absolute average deviation (AAD%) less than 5%. The base-catalysis mechanism fits the experimental data of all the tertiary amines well with an AAD less than 5%. For the blends, the hybrid of zwitterion mechanism fits the experimental data of MEA/PZ, DEA/PZ, AMP/PZ, and MEA/AMP well with an AAD less than 5%, whereas the hybrid of base-catalysis-zwitterion mechanism fits the experimental data of MDEA/PZ, MDEA/2EAE, 1DMA2P/2EAE, 3DMA1P/2EAE, and 2DMAE/2EAE well with an AAD less than 5%.