C.P. Dol

236 records found


The ageing of European societies, the mounting pressure on pension systems, the rise of home ownership and the growth in house prices have sparked interest in housing equity release options and strategies. Much of the available literature approaches this topic through a financ ...

The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) had a severe impact on West and South European economies and in 2009, GDP declines ranged from -5.6% in Germany to -3.6% in Spain. Against the background of strong GDP declines it is quite remarkable that European housing market indicators showed ...

Case study report 'Rotterdam South on Course'

Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development

Rotterdam South is a district where many of the approximately 200,000 residents suffer from a multitude of problems such as low incomes, inadequate professional skills, educational and language deficiencies, unmanageable debts, substance abuse and health/mental problems. Crime ha ...
This article investigates the backgrounds to changing residential mobility of Dutch owner‑occupiers from 1986‑2006 and during the 2008-2018 crisis. The Oaxaca‑Blinder decomposition is used to disentangle the main factors at work. Households of all age groups and family types have ...
This report and its Annex present the results of the research project “Promoting the contribution of private savings to pension adequacy: Integrating residential property with private pensions in the EU” led by iff, institute for financial services, Hamburg. Financial support by ...
This Annex together with the final report present the results of the research project “Promoting the contribution of private savings to pension adequacy: Integrating residential property with private pensions in the EU” led by iff, institute for financial services, Hamburg. Finan ...
The ageing of European societies and increasing pressure on collective pension arrangements has sparked interest in alternative, more individualised forms of pension provision. Home ownership is regarded as one of these alternatives. Home owners can release housing equity by mov ...
Housing cooperatives imply that a group of people organize themselves in order to build and/or manage housing for the group as a whole. The chapter outlines the research methods and explains the emergence of housing co-operatives in Spain in general terms. It deals with the gener ...

Home ownership under changing labour and housing market conditions

Tenure preferences and outcomes among freelancers and flex workers

Increasingly, policy-makers regard flexible labour as a condition for a well-functioning economy, while they also tend to regard home ownership as the superior tenure. These two goals appear to be contradictory, as mortgage lenders prefer clients with a permanent, uninterrupted i ...

Monitor Nieuwe Woningen

Cijfers en analyses. Zomer 2016

De Monitor Nieuwe Woningen - cijfers en analyses is een uitgave van de NEPROM op basis van de Monitor Nieuwe Woningen. De Monitor Nieuwe Woningen wordt samengesteld en beheerd door Onderzoeksinstituut OTB in Delft in opdracht van NEPROM en NVB.@en

Three decades of household mobility in the Netherlands

A test of the Great Mobility slowdown thesis

The Spanish home ownership sector has been hit hard by the economic crisis. Repossessions stand at around half a million in the period from 2008 to 2014. This article investigates how the authorities, both at the level of the Spanish state and of the autonomous communities (re ...

Als gevolg van het verstrekken van hoge leningen ten opzichte van de w/aarde van de woning, heeft de recente prijsdaling van koopwoningen ertoe geleid dat vooral recente kopers 'onderwater' staan. Dit heeft de risicoperceptie van vele eigenaar bewoners gewijzigd omdat een potenti ...
TVV, maart 2016@en


In de Paris Climate Agreement the goal is set to reach an energy neutral built environment by 2050. As a result, there is a high demand for energy neutral refurbishment of the existing housing stock. With the currently low refurbishment rate is it expected to take around 250 year ...

Waterfront Development Management in Greece

Exploring the case of “Lipasmata” in Piraeus, towards alternative approaches

The declining port/industrial activities near the urban structure of cities generate new challenges for contemporary societies. Among others, these challenges interest the desolation of urban districts and the creation of large urban voids, one of the major problems affecting, no ...