The ultimate aim of this research is to create a theoretical framework for the design of a multifunctional cultural waterfront on the edge of the Tarwewijk in Rotterdam South. From this follows the main research question: How can the regeneration of a waterfront into a cultural a
The ultimate aim of this research is to create a theoretical framework for the design of a multifunctional cultural waterfront on the edge of the Tarwewijk in Rotterdam South. From this follows the main research question: How can the regeneration of a waterfront into a cultural area add social and cultural value to the Tarwewijk and Rotterdam South? There is a strong cultural division between the North and South of Rotterdam what leads into the fewer access to culture and lower demand for culture in the South of Rotterdam. Knowing this, the redevelopment of an underused unconnected waterfront in the South of Rotterdam into a cultural area can lead to unwanted social effects, like no social and cultural connection to the neighbourhood and by this it could lead to gentrification. It is important to develop a cultural area that adds social and cultural value to the neighbourhood and that this area is part of the neighbourhood (tangible and intangible). This can narrow the (cultural) gap between the North and South of Rotterdam. This happens because both culture becomes more inclusive and approachable for the local people and the population of Rotterdam South become culturally richer. In order to investigate this, The research that follows focusses on three hypothetic parts of the solution. The first one is multifunctionality. This subject will be researched through the questions: What does multifunctionality entail? How can multifunctionality benefit the cultural area? How can multifunctionality be beneficial to the neighbourhood? And how do multifunctionality and multiculturality relate to each other? The second subject is identity. The sub questions for this are: What creates this identity? How can identity benefit the museum? How can identity be beneficial the neighbourhood? The last subject is connection. In this part there will be focus on how can tangible and intangible connections can be established between the site and the neighbourhood with as main goal to integrate the museum with the neighbourhood. For every of the three subjects firstly there will be done a literature research to theorize the subject and get a grip on the main principles of the subject matter. I will research what others have done in the field of multifunctionality, identity and connection and from there I will try to come up with my own hypothesis about these subjects. After that case studies will be conducted where the aspects of multifunctionality, identity and connection will be analysed. After that site specific research will be done to form a conclusion about the information that is gained from the literature and the case studies. In this research and design I want to redefine the way cultural area’s and museums are looked upon to make them more attractive to a wider audience that normally wouldn’t visit a cultural area or museum. It aims to create an alternative to the classic typology of the museum. The research and design try to show that a museum or cultural area can also function in a more social and inclusive way. This case can then be an example for future projects.