Stefania Giodini

3 records found


Humans have always populated in the vicinity of river systems, where thesupply of water, nourishment and transportation is obtained from the river.However, inundation is a re-occurring problem and impact of floods are ex-pected to increase due to climate change. Accurate ...

Self-Sovereign Identities for Scaling Up Cash Transfer Projects

Designing a blockchain based digital identity system

Situation: Information management enables humanitarian organizations to make adequate interventions based on timely, appropriate and trustworthy information. A crucial type of information are identities, because they can be used to assess vulnerability and efficiently manage aid ...
In the second half of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century the amount of natural disasters has increased rapidly. Due to this rise in occurrences, more people are affected. An important indicator for people affected is the amount of damage to buildings. To gather this infor ...