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6 records found
TU Delft Spain fieldwork and other outdoor activities
Conference paper (2012) -
D.J.M. Ngan-Tillard
L.A. van Paassen
P.M. Maurenbrecher
A Concha
M González
Technical comparison of the methods including formal testing of accuracy and other modelling performance using own datasets and MRA
Book chapter (2008) -
R. Borst
F des Rosiers
M Renigier
M González
TJ Kauko
M d'Amato
Effects of high salinity wastewater on methanogenic sludge bed systems
Conference paper (2008) -
SB Ismail
M González
D Jeison
JB van Lier
Application of remote sensing video systems to coastline management problems
Journal article (2007) -
A Kroon
S.G.J. Aarninkhof
M Davidson
R. Archetti
C Armaroli
M González
S Medri
Ana Luisa Osorio
T Aagaard
R Holman
R. Spanhoff
The role of video imagery in predicting daily to monthly coastal evolution
Journal article (2007) -
M.W.J. Smit
S.G.J. Aarninkhof
R Medina
KM Wijnberg
M González
KS Kingston
H.N. Southgate
BG Ruessink
R Holman
E Siegle
M Davidson
Combining simulations and neutron scattering experiments: from models to systems of biological and technological interest
Journal article (2005) -
M González
GJ Kearley
T Mounir
MR Johnson