211 records found
Correlation between Slag Reactivity and Cement Paste Properties
The Influence of Slag Chemistry
The properties of slag-rich cement paste are fundamentally associated with slag chemistry. In the present research, 10 slags covering the common chemistry range, including eight synthetic slags of CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MgO system and two commercial slags, were adopted to evaluate the ...
Non-destructive screening methodology based on handheld XRF for the classification of concrete
Cement type-driven separation
Early age hydration of model slag cement
Interaction among C3S, gypsum and slag with different Al2O3 contents
A deeper insight into SO3/Al2O3 ratio including the contribution of alumina in slag at early age is required to ensure a properly sulfated slag cement. In this paper, to investigate the effect of gypsum and alumina of slag, emphasis was laid on ...
Elephant skin formation on UHPC surface
Effects of climatic condition and blast furnace slag content
Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC), which typically contains extremely high superplasticizer amount, tends to render a special type of dense surface layer, especially under drying conditions. Even if the inner side of fresh UHPC is still in a flowable nature, the top surfa ...
Analysis of naturally-generated corrosion products due to chlorides in 20-year old reinforced concrete
An elastic modulus-mineralogy characterization
The elastic modulus of corrosion product (Ecp) has been reported with significant variations in the literature. This study aims to investigate the Ecp of naturally-generated chloride-induced corrosion products formed in different concrete mixes. Microstru ...
Sodium silicate/polyurethane microcapsules synthesized for enhancing self-healing ability of cementitious materials
Optimization of stirring speeds and evaluation of self-healing efficiency
In this study, stirring speeds during the synthesizing process of the sodium silicate/polyurethane microcapsules were optimized. The yield values of microcapsules at different stirring rates were evaluated. Based on the yield values and shape of microcapsules, optimized microc ...
Effect of printing parameters on interlayer bond strength of 3D printed limestone-calcined clay-based cementitious materials
An experimental and numerical study
For a single batch material, time intervals and nozzle standoff distances between two subsequent layers are two critical printing parameters that influence the mechanical performance of the printed concrete. This paper presents an experimental and numerical study to investigat ...
Microscopy techniques for determining water–cement (w/c) ratio in hardened concrete
A round-robin assessment
Water to cement (w/c) ratio is usually the most important parameter specified in concrete design and is sometimes the subject of dispute when a shortfall in concrete strength or durability is an issue. However, determination of w/c ratio in hardened concrete by testing is very ...
Limestone and Calcined Clay-Based Sustainable Cementitious Materials for 3D Concrete Printing
A Fundamental Study of Extrudability and Early-Age Strength Development
Deliberate Deformation of Concrete in the Fresh State
Crack Risk and Efficient Production of Curved Precast Elements
Smart cementitious composites
Development of multi-functional printable SHCC
Manufacturing Construction Materials on Mars
A feasibility study on the use of Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) for bulk manufacturing of a viable ISRU Mars construction material using regolith simulant
3D Concrete Printing
The influence of printing process parameters on the mechanical properties, numerical modelling, and the exploration of sustainable printable solutions for humanitarian problems
Internal Sulphate Attack in Slag Blended Systems
A Susceptibility Study
Assessment of Existing Slender Masonry Walls beyond the Scope of the EN 1996 Norm
Numerically Based Analytical Solution to determine the Capacity under combined Vertical and Lateral Loading
Building on Mars
Experimental research on efficient and sustainable production process and construction method
The Influence of concrete composition on the behavior of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) C30/37
Quantitative study about the subsequent changes in the properties and mechanical behavior of SFRC C30/37 due to adjusting the concrete composition.
The details of the concrete com ...