
Tim van Emmerik

4 records found


Plastic pollution in rivers threatens ecosystems, increases flood risk due to its accumulations at hydraulic structures and its final emissions into the ocean threaten aquatic life, especially and probably most in coastal urbanized areas. Previous work suggests that plastic po ...

Plant transpiration accounts for about half of all terrestrial evaporation. Plants need water for many vital functions including nutrient uptake, growth and leaf cooling. The regulation of plant water transport by stomata in the leaves leads to the loss of 97% of the water tha ...

Plastics originating from land are mainly transported to the oceans by rivers. The total plastic transport from land to seas remains uncertain because of difficulties in measuring and the lack of standard observation techniques. A large focus in observations is on plastics flo ...


Macrolitter in Groyne Fields

Short term variability & the influence of natural processes

Plastic pollution and accumulation in the riverine environment is of increasing concern. While most research focuses on microplastic contamination, the dynamics of macrolitter remain largely unknown. Large scale riverbank monitoring initiatives in the Netherlands reveal that macr ...