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In semiconductor spin quantum bits (qubits), the radio-frequency (RF) gate-based readout is a promising solution for future large-scale integration, as it allows for a fast, frequency-multiplexed readout architecture, enabling multiple qubits to be read out simultaneously. Thi ...

We report observations of transitions between excited states in the Jaynes-Cummings ladder of circuit quantum electrodynamics with electron spins (spin circuit QED). We show that unexplained features in recent experimental work correspond to such transitions and present an inp ...

We report the coherent coupling of two electron spins at a distance via virtual microwave photons. Each spin is trapped in a silicon double quantum dot at either end of a superconducting resonator, achieving spin-photon couplings up to around gs/2p=40 MHz. As the two spins are ...

Quantum computers (QC) promise to solve certain computational problems exponentially faster than a classical computer due to the superposition and entanglement properties of quantum bits (qubits). Among several qubit technologies, spin qubits are a promising candidate for larg ...

Circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) employs superconducting microwave resonators as quantum buses. In circuit QED with semiconductor quantum-dot-based qubits, increasing the resonator impedance is desirable as it enhances the coupling to the typically small charge dipole mom ...

The processes that govern radiative recombination in ternary CuInS2 (CIS) nanocrystals (NCs) have been heavily debated, but recently, several research groups have come to the same conclusion that a photoexcited electron recombines with a localized hole on a Cu-relat ...