Annette Marx

11 records found


Hembrug; Campus North

Play, Experiment, Discover & learn; Heritage for generational growth

Redesign of two building on Campus North in the Hembrug, Zaandam area. The design focusses on creating a low-tech and stimulating environment for children. Where parents can have workspaces and maintain a connection with their children (visual and physical).

Mental Health Centre Hembrug

Revitalizing Hemburg, to revitalize Society

This graduation project is focused on a transformation of industrial heritage in Campus North in Hembrug, a former closed-off military production terrain on a peninsula in Zaandam. For a long time the terrain was used by the Artellerie-Inrichtingen for the production and manufac ...

The continuation of historical value is enduring

Spirit of culture value is the regenerative power of heritage architecture

In this thesis, it describes that spirit is the regenerative power in heritage design, and explained how it was inherited from past and still remain alive nowadays. A certain kind of method will be approached to help with the research on this topic. Since heritage design is the r ...

Feed your city

Local farming in Hembrug

The design project, that is part of the Heritage & Architecture graduation studio, is dealing with the transformation of the ensemble area ‘Plots in the wood’. This area lays in the centre of the former military complex of Hembrug in Zaandam. The design leads to transform thi ...

Production Biospheres

A new production space in Hembrug

The project named production biospheres created a process design aimed on the adaptive reuse of the Plots In The Woods site on the Hembrug terrain near Zaandam. The landscape and urban design for the site is based on methods used by landscape architects and ecologists based on th ...
The former military production terrain Hembrug situated in Zaandam is in decline since its closure in 2003. The terrain with over more than 100 buildings, of which 50 monuments, is in need of a new function. The assignment of the graduation project is to focus on a part of the te ...

The Ladder

The transformation of a grenade factory into a sport village

This graduation research is done at the studio Heritage & Architecture (H&A), which is part of the master track Architecture of the Technical University of Delft and focuses on preservation and renewal in existing architecture. The topic of the graduation studio is the He ...

Explore the Seclusion

The Head of the Cape

The history of Hembrug goes back to around 1900, when the manmade land got its military production function. For almost a century this area was used for the production of ammunition, weapons and explosives. However, after losing its original function, the area became vacant. The ...

Cold War Museum in Hembrug

Transforming Building 429 to a Cold War Museum

This thesis investigates a Reconstruction Era industrial building (Building 429) in Hembrug, Zaandam, reflects on Heritage & Architecture and proposes its transformation to a Cold War Museum.

Transformation of 'Het Plofbos'

The Beauty of Dealing With Explosives

The Plofbos has a strong character that is defined by the presence of a young forest that springs from the remains of a decomposing military structure. This new growth is dynamic. It continuously changes the light, smells, sight-lines and experiences throughout the seasons. Toget ...

Innovation Factory

The Cultural Belt in the Head of the Cape, Hembrug

The Heritage studio methodical line of inquiry revolves around 3 aspects, the cultural value, the architecture and the building technology. The scientific relevance of my thesis project is reflected in the design, as the entire research process was closely related to the three th ...