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G.L. Kolfschoten
120 records found
Cognitive load reduction through the use of building blocks in the design of decision support systems
Conference paper (2006) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
EC Valentin
A. Verbraeck
G.J. de Vreede
Defining Key Concepts for Collaboration Engineering
Conference paper (2006) -
RO Briggs
G.L. Kolfschoten
G.J. de Vreede
D.L. Dean
Understanding the Job Requirements for Collaboration Technology Support through a Hybrid IT-End User Job Classifications Model: The Case of Collaboration Engineering and Facilitations
Conference paper (2006) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
F Niederman
RO Briggs
G.J. de Vreede
ThinkLets: A Collaboration Engineering Pattern Lauguage
Journal article (2006) -
G.J. de Vreede
G.L. Kolfschoten
RO Briggs
Choice Criteria for Facilitation Techniques: A Preliminary Classificaton
Conference paper (2006) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
A.J.A. Rouwette
An analysis of the role of the facilitator and alternative scenarios for collaboration support
Conference paper (2006) -
L.A. Macaulay
A. Alabdulkarim
G.L. Kolfschoten
A Training Approach for the Transition of Repeatable Collaboration Processes to Practitioners
Conference paper (2006) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
G.J. de Vreede
LR Pietron
Definitions in Collaboration Engineering
Conference paper (2006) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
RO Briggs
G.J. de Vreede
Choice criteria for facilitation techniques
Conference paper (2006) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
A.J.A. Rouwette
The Collaboration Engineering Maturity Model
Conference paper (2006) -
E. Santanen
G.L. Kolfschoten
K. Golla
Assessing the Quality of Collaboration Processes
Conference paper (2006) -
M. den Hengst-Bruggeling
D.L. Dean
G.L. Kolfschoten
A. Chakrapani
Collaboration Process Design Transition to Practitioners: Requirements form a Cognitive Load Perspective
Conference paper (2006) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
S. van der Hulst
The Collaboration Engineering Approach for Designing Collaboration Processes
Conference paper (2006) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
G.J. de Vreede
A. Chakrapani
P.G. Koneri
A Conceptual Foundation of the Thinklet Concept for Collaboration Engineering
Journal article (2006) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
RO Briggs
G.J. de Vreede
PHM Jacobs
J.H. Appelman
Issues in the Design of Facilitated Collaboration Processes
Conference paper (2005) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
M. den Hengst-Bruggeling
G.J. de Vreede
Toward a Theoretical Model of Consensus Building
Conference paper (2005) -
RO Briggs
G.L. Kolfschoten
G.J. de Vreede
Tool Support for GSS session design
Conference paper (2005) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
W. Veen
ThinkLets as Building Blocks for Collaboration Processes: A Further Conceptualization
Conference paper (2004) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
RO Briggs
J.H. Appelman
G.J. de Vreede
Recurring Patterns of Facilitation Interventions in GSS Sessions
Conference paper (2004) -
G.L. Kolfschoten
J.H. Appelman
RO Briggs
G.J. de Vreede
Fifteen years of GSS in the Field: A Comparison Acros Time and National Boundaries.
Conference paper (2003) -
G.J. de Vreede
G.L. Kolfschoten
JS Wien