A vehicle that is travelling at high sideslip angles can still be controlled by drifting. Implemented into a vehicle, this phenomenon could lead to increased vehicle safety and performance. Additionally, it could lead to higher acceptance rates of autonomous driving.
In this
A vehicle that is travelling at high sideslip angles can still be controlled by drifting. Implemented into a vehicle, this phenomenon could lead to increased vehicle safety and performance. Additionally, it could lead to higher acceptance rates of autonomous driving.
In this work a three state vehicle model is used. Using this model, simulations are performed with varying vehicle parameters and tyre models. First, the mathematical descriptions of all used models are stated, after which phase plane representations for the identification of drift equilibria are elaborated on. Next, different steering characteristics and their influence on the drift equilibrium points are considered. These characteristics are achieved by varying the lateral rear tyre stiffness. The effect of
three different types of tyre models on the drift equilibria is discussed. The models that are considered are the linear tyre model, Dugoff tyre model and Magic Formula model.
In addition to this, the effects of the location of the centre of gravity, the vehicle mass and the cornering stiffness are investigated. Finally the outcome of the Dugoff tyre model and the Magic Formula model for construction of drift equilibria is shown and discussed.
Contrary to the Dugoff and Magic Formula model, no drift equilibria were found using the linear tyre model. Using the Dugoff model, drift equilibrium points were found for the understeering and neutral steering vehicle, whereas the oversteering vehicle showed drift equilibrium ranges. Finally, drift equilibria depend on vehicle parameters, showing change in behaviour when the latter are varied.