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L.P. Ligthart
561 records found
Polarimetric method for permittivity determination and visualization in remote sensing problems [russische tekst]
Book chapter (1999) -
AI Kozlov
AI Logvin
L.P. Ligthart
Adaptive algorithms and signal processing
Report (1999) -
AI Kozlov
L.P. Ligthart
AI Logvin
Requirements to the accuracy and reliability of the equipment for determining object parameters and signal characteristics
Report (1999) -
AI Kozlov
L.P. Ligthart
AI Logvin
Towards the additional use of phase processing in multistatic FMCW radar, considerations and experimental results
Conference paper (1999) -
P.J.F. Swart
HT Steenstra
FL Muller
W.F. van der Zwan
P. van Genderen
L.P. Ligthart
G.L. Reijns
A.J.C. van Gemund
TARA: development of a new transportable atmospheric radar
Conference paper (1999) -
SH Heijnen
L.P. Ligthart
Requirements, system specifications and functional diagrams of radar equipment for experiments allowing polarization diagnostics
Report (1999) -
AI Kozlov
L.P. Ligthart
AI Logvin
Oscillator design issues for millimetre-wave automobile radars
Conference paper (1999) -
JGE Mayock
CM Snowden
L.P. Ligthart
Study of monochromatic electromagnetic wave scattering from air-ground interface
Report (1999) -
Alexander Yarovoy
RV de Jongh
L.P. Ligthart
CN Vazouras
MA Moyssidis
JG Fikioris
Cylindrical near-field measurement facilities at IRCTR
Conference paper (1999) -
M. Hajian
L.P. Ligthart
Experimental time domain characterisation of compact ranges
Conference paper (1999) -
J Marti-Canales
L.P. Ligthart
AG Roederer
Correction for clipping of doppler spectra from clouds and other atmospheric targets
Conference paper (1999) -
VKC Venema
H.W.J. Russchenberg
L.P. Ligthart
Estimate of the incoherent-scattering contribution to lidar backscatter from clouds
Journal article (1999) -
DA de Wolf
H.W.J. Russchenberg
L.P. Ligthart
Methods to increase the radar contrast
Report (1999) -
AI Kozlov
L.P. Ligthart
AI Logvin
Relation between electrodynamic charactereistics and radar polarisation state [niet eerder opgevoerd]
Report (1998) -
AI Kozlov
L.P. Ligthart
AI Logvin
Electrodynamic characteristics derived from physical characteristics [niet eerder opgevoerd]
Report (1998) -
AI Kozlov
L.P. Ligthart
AI Logvin
Inverse problem: methods and analyses [niet eerder opgevoerd]
Report (1998) -
AI Kozlov
L.P. Ligthart
AI Logvin
Off-broadside antenna beam generation based on photoconductivity technology
Conference paper (1998) -
M Hajian
FH Groen
L.P. Ligthart
Accuracy and sensitivity analysis on object parameters [niet eerder opgevoerd]
Report (1998) -
AI Kozlov
L.P. Ligthart
AI Logvin
Deterministic and stochastic modeling of objects [niet eerder opgevoerd]
Report (1998) -
AI Kozlov
L.P. Ligthart
AI Logvin
Classification of radar objects [niet eerder opgevoerd]
Report (1997) -
AI Kozlov
L.P. Ligthart
AI Logvin