37 records found


Unveiling the actual progress of Digital Building Permit

Getting awareness through a critical state of the art review

Growing interest is awarded to the digitalization of the building permitting use case and many works are developed about the topic. However, the subject is very complex and many aspects are usually tackled separately, making it very hard for traditional literature reviews to g ...

Reference study of IFC software support

The GeoBIM benchmark 2019—Part I

Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), the buildingSMART open standard for BIM, is underused with respect to its promising potential, since, according to the experience of practitioners and researchers working with BIM, issues in the standard’s implementation and use prevent its e ...

Digital Twin

Een allesomvattende oplossing of een veel (te) belovend concept?

De term Digital Twin wordt op allerlei manieren gebruikt sinds dit concept een aantal jaren geleden haar intrede deed in het geodomein als veelbelovende technologie om grote maatschappelijke opgaven en omgevingsvraagstukken op te lossen. Hoewel er consensus bestaat over de basisf ...

Digital Twins

A Comprehensive Solution or Hopeful Vision?

The concept of the digital twin has been gaining significant momentum in the geospatial domain since 2016. Although there is some consensus on the basic features of a digital twin, some critical reflection is still necessary to make the concept tangible. Only then can the digital ...
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) is a complete, wide and complex open standard data model to represent Building Information Models. Big efforts are being made by the standardization organization buildingSMART, to develop and maintain this standard in collaboration with researche ...
The integration of 3D city models with Building Information Models (BIM), coined as GeoBIM, facilitates improved data support to several applications, e.g., 3D map updates, building permits issuing, detailed city analysis, infrastructure design, context-based building design, to ...

The Eurosdr Geobim Project

developing case studies for the use of geobim in practice

Although the use of location-based data (location coupled with semantic information) within Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and from Earth Observation (e.g. satellite) sources has been long established for decision makers, this has only recently been reflected in the co ...

The digitalization of the process for building permit (involving the use of 3D information systems) is seen as a priority in a wide part of the world. Since it is a very multidisciplinary use case, involving a variety of stakeholders tackling complex issues and topics, some of ...

Reference study of CityGML software support

The GeoBIM benchmark 2019—Part II

OGC CityGML is an open standard for 3D city models intended to foster interoperability and support various applications. However, through our practical experience and discussions with practitioners, we have noticed several problems related to the implementation of the standard ...

Geobim for digital building permit process

Learning from a case study in Rotterdam

Among the digitalization processes which are being raised in Europe and in the world, the building permit process is seen as one of the priorities by municipalities, governmental institutions and standardization organizations. However, in current practice, the building permit ...

GeoBIM benchmark

ISPRS Scientific initiative 2019 - Final report

In both research and practice, data interoperability is considered essential to support a rising number of applications that need data from different domains. Therefore, standard data formats and models are developed by standardization organizations such as Open Geospatial Consor ...

Standardised data formats and data models are essential for data integration and interoperability, which in turn adds value to data by allowing its reuse in multiple contexts. For this reason, in recent years extensive efforts have been focused on standards development. When r ...

Opportunities and challenges for GeoBIM in Europe

Developing a building permits use-case to raise awareness and examine technical interoperability challenges

The integration of geoinformation with BIM (GeoBIM) is critical to underpin solutions to many city-related challenges. However, to achieve an effective integration it is necessary to consider not only data and technical options but also current practice and users’ needs. This ...

GeoBIM benchmark 2019

Design and initial results

GeoBIM, the integration of 3D geoinformation (Geo) with building information models (BIM), is a subject of increasing attention in both domains. A well-known practical challenge for this integration is the mixed state of software support for open standards in each domain that wou ...

GeoBIM Benchmark 2019

Intermediate Results

An investigation into the implementation state of open standards in software is currently ongoing through the ISPRS/EuroSDR ‘GeoBIM benchmark 2019’ initiative, which kicked off earlier this year. The benchmark activity provides a way of assessing and comparing the functionality ...

Armonizzazione di standard spaziali e normativa antisismica

Una proposta per la rappresentazione semantica 3D del complesso architettonico di Tolentino

The need of effectively sharing information about architectural heritage affected by disaster event, in order to foster its preservation, requires the adoption of a common language and standards among the involved actors and stakeholders. The application of spatial and geographic ...


The flexibility of the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) format makes it challenging to blindly rely on the data it stores. This is because, to allow its flexibility, the stored data in an IFC file can be missing, incorrect, redundant, or stored in vague ways while the file can s ...
In large and complex civil engineering projects, well-managed information enables easier and faster access to the required data when available. In the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry, professionals and data managers constantly seek to optimize the inform ...
Most construction work requires building permit checks. Therefore, to promote sustainable and high-quality urban development, it is necessary to improve the building permit application process and accelerate the digital process of building permit checks.

Many studies ab ...
Climate change, and the effect it has on our lives and the world, has been at the centre of debate in the past decades. Also in architecture and urban planning fields, the effect of climate on buildings and cities has always had a role in the design process, nowadays especially w ...