Tessa Dekkers
26 records found
Data-driven Patient Profiles
Definition, validation, and implementation for tailored orthopaedic healthcare services
Communication Preferences in Total Joint Arthroplasty
Exploring the Patient Experience Through Generative Research
BACKGROUND: Improving communication and information services for people receiving a total joint (knee or hip) arthroplasty (TJA) depends on the differences in patient communication needs and personal characteristics. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to further examine in ...
Patients' perspective on self-management
Type 2 diabetes in daily life
Background: The number of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients and related treatment costs are rapidly increasing. Consequentially, more cost-effective and efficient strategies for the treatment of T2DM are needed. One such strategy is improving patients' self-management. ...
Tailored Healthcare
Two Perspectives on the Development and Use of Patient Profiles
Calls for a more tailored approach to the management of cardiometabolic and musculoskeletal diseases have been increasing. Although tailored care is a centuries-old concept, it is still unclear how it should be best practised. The current paper introduces two phenotype-based D ...
The perioperative patient experience of hand and wrist surgical patients
An exploratory study using patient journey mapping
Web-based patient education in orthopedics
Systematic review
Background: Patients with orthopedic conditions frequently use the internet to find health information. Patient education that is distributed online may form an easily accessible, time- and cost-effective alternative to education delivered through traditional channels such as ...
Tailoring the orthopaedic consultation
How perceived patient characteristics influence surgeons' communication
Objective: To investigate whether and how orthopaedic surgeons tailor communication during medical consultations based on perceived patient characteristics. Methods: Seven orthopaedic surgeons were repeatedly interviewed following an approach based on ecological momentary asse ...
From empirical data to tailored design
Role-based patient representations as an alternative to personas
Communication, coping and clinical status
A holistic perspective on surgical patients to improve satisfaction
Intuitive tailoring in medical consultations
How perceived patient characteristics influence physicians’ communication
Artful warnings towards a more silent Intensive Care
Putting Heart in CPR
A new way to practice Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
LivisOra helps you prepare for this moment. Ora is a CPR trai ...