M. Keshani
16 records found
Fast and lightweight call graph generation for software builds
Call Graphs are a rich data source and form the foundation for advanced static analyses that can, for example, detect security vulnerabilities or dead code. This information is invaluable when it is immediately available, such as in the output of a build system. Call Graph gen ...
Software reuse is a common practice in modern software engineering to save time and energy while accelerating software delivery. Dependency managers like MAVEN offer a large ecosystem of reusable libraries that build the backbone of software reuse. Breaking changes, i.e., when ...
As a rich source of data, Call Graphs are used for various applications including security vulnerability detection. Despite multiple studies showing that Call Graphs can drastically improve the accuracy of analysis, existing ecosystem-scale tools like Dependabot do not use Cal ...
Uncovering the Secrets of the Maven Repository
Analysis of Library Sizes in Maven Central
Uncovering Secrets of the Maven Repository
Maven packaging
Uncovering secrets of the Maven Repository: Java Build Aspects
An empirical analysis
This research aims to analyze these packages and look into various build aspects of these projects (the research questions) ...