Natalia Uribe

4 records found


Farmers around the world are facing the need to improve crop yield due to substantial increase in food demand. However, in an effort to meet the global growing food demand, nutrient pollutants in runoff have also increased due to intensified agricultural practices. For this reaso ...
Lake Riogrande II, located in the central region of the Colombian Andes, has eutrophication due to a progressive increase of runoff pollution from upstream intensive dairy cattle and agricultural activities in the watershed. Public and private entities have invested in programs a ...

Intensive tillage (IT) in potato crops is considered as one of the main non-point sources (NPS) of local water eutrophication in the Fuquene Lake of Colombia. Therefore, the local government has invested in several programs aiming at the adoption of principles of conservation ...

Water governance can be defined as a system that makes water management more effective, accountable and participatory, thus strengthening the role of multiple stakeholders in institutional capacity bUilding, improving coordination, broadening participation and consolidating partn ...