David Thoen
62 records found
Geometry dependence of two-level-system noise and loss in a - Si C
H parallel-plate capacitors for superconducting microwave resonators
Parallel-plate capacitors (PPC) significantly reduce the size of superconducting microwave resonators, reducing the pixel pitch for arrays of single-photon energy-resolving kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs). The frequency noise of KIDs is typically limited by tunneling two-l ...
Development of an Integrated Superconducting Spectrometer for Science-Grade Astronomical Observations
Integrated superconducting spectrometer (ISS) technology will enable ultra-wideband, integral-field spectroscopy for (sub)millimeter-wave astronomy, in particular, for uncovering the dust-obscured cosmic star formation and galaxy evolution over cosmic time. Here, we present th ...
Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Carbide
A Low-Loss Deposited Dielectric for Microwave to Submillimeter-Wave Superconducting Circuits
Low-loss deposited dielectrics will benefit superconducting devices such as integrated superconducting spectrometers, superconducting qubits, and kinetic inductance parametric amplifiers. Compared with planar structures, multilayer structures such as microstrips are more compa ...
Aims. Future actively cooled space-borne observatories for the far-infrared, loosely defined as a 1-10 THz band, can potentially reach a sensitivity limited only by background radiation from the Universe. This will result in an increase in observing speed of many orders of mag ...
Typical materials for optical Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detetectors (MKIDs) are metals with a natural absorption of ∼ 30–50% in the visible and near-infrared. To reach high absorption efficiencies (90–100%) the KID must be embedded in an optical stack. We show an optical st ...
Superconducting circuit elements used in millimeter-submillimeter (mm-submm) astronomy would greatly benefit from deposited dielectrics with small dielectric loss and noise. This will enable the use of multilayer circuit elements and thereby increase the efficiency of mm-submm ...
A superconducting microstrip half-wavelength resonator is proposed as a suitable band-pass filter for broadband moderate spectral resolution spectroscopy for terahertz (THz) astronomy. The proposed filter geometry has a free spectral range of an octave of bandwidth without int ...
This paper describes the microfabrication and electrical characterization of aluminum-coated superconducting through-silicon vias (TSVs) with sharp superconducting transition above 1 K. The sharp superconducting transition was achieved by means of fully conformal and void-free ...
Wide Band Quasi-Optical System for DESHIMA 2.0 Spectrometer
Beam Pattern Experimental Validation
DESHIMA 2.0 is a spectrometer for astronomical applications targeting sources at sub-mm wavelengths from 240GHz to 720GHz. The design for its wide band Quasi-Optical system was presented in the previous works. In this work, the experimental validation of the beam pattern of th ...
We describe a microfabrication process that, thanks to a specifically tailored sidewall profile, enables for the first-time wafer-scale arrays of high-aspect ratio through-silicon vias (TSVs) coated with DC-sputtered Aluminum, achieving at once superconducting and CMOS-compati ...
Next generation sub-mm imaging instruments require kilo-pixel focal plane arrays filled with background limited detectors. Microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) are a state-of-the-art detector for future instruments due to their inherent multiplexing capabilities. An ...
We present the development of a background-limited kilo-pixel imaging array of ultrawide bandwidth kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) suitable for space-based THz astronomy applications. The array consists of 989 KIDs, in which the radiation is coupled to each KID via a leaky ...
The superconducting critical temperature (T-\mathrm{c} > 15 K) of niobium titanium nitride (NbTiN) thin films allows for low-loss circuits up to 1.1 THz, enabling on-chip spectroscopy and multipixel imaging with advanced detectors. The drive for large-scale detector microch ...