Radinka Yorgova
1 records found
On Code-based Cryptosystems using binary codes with large minimum distance
Post-Quantum Cryptography
Code-Based Cryptography is a branch of the Post-Quantum Cryptography research area. As such, its focus is on developing algorithms that can be used in the current communication systems to secure them against an adversary powered in the (near) future by a quantum computer. A cod
On Code-based Cryptosystems using binary codes with large minimum distance
Post-Quantum Cryptography
Code-Based Cryptography is a branch of the Post-Quantum Cryptography research area. As such, its focus is on developing algorithms that can be used in the current communication systems to secure them against an adversary powered in the (near) future by a quantum computer. A cod
On Code-based Cryptosystems using binary codes with large minimum distance
Post-Quantum Cryptography
Code-Based Cryptography is a branch of the Post-Quantum Cryptography research area. As such, its focus is on developing algorithms that can be used in the current communication systems to secure them against an adversary powered in the (near) future by a quantum computer. A cod