This work addresses the contribution of the wavelength composition of the spectrum of the rail support stiffness profile to the expected long-term settlement. To that aim, purely harmonic stiffness variations of different wavelength are studied. The frequency-domain model with
This work addresses the contribution of the wavelength composition of the spectrum of the rail support stiffness profile to the expected long-term settlement. To that aim, purely harmonic stiffness variations of different wavelength are studied. The frequency-domain model with a double periodicity level previously developed by the first and last authors is adopted to embed the stiffness profile in one of the periodicity layers. Additional resonance velocities at which the resonance frequency of the track system coincides with the support-passing frequency or its multiples are found. The susceptibility to degradation is assessed both by quantifying the mechanical energy dissipated in the substructure under a moving train axle within one wavelength of the support stiffness variation, and the work performed by the wheel-rail contact force. It is shown that shorter wavelengths and larger standard deviations of varying ballast/subgrade stiffness result in an increasing energy dissipation in the substructure, and increase the work performed by the wheel-rail contact force, therefore leading to a reduced lifetime of the track. The energetic quantities increase for lower mean values of the stiffness profile, confirming the proneness of tracks on soft soils to degradation. The influence of varying stiffness vanishes for wavelengths of approximately 16 times the sleeper span, which is equivalent to a track length of about 10 m. High railpad stiffness values result in increased energy dissipation but the influence is limited. In general, an increasing train velocity amplifies the rate of track degradation, with no stabilizing trend in the high-speed regime (300 km/h).