Yong-Jin Liu
11 records found
Despite the recent advances in artificial tissue and organ engineering, how to generate large size viable and functional complex organs still remains as a grand challenge for regenerative medicine. Three-dimensional bioprinting has demonstrated its advantages as one of the maj ...
We present a method for fabricating general models with multi-directional 3-D printing systems by printing different model regions along with different directions. The core of our method is a support-effective volume decomposition algorithm that minimizes the area of the regio ...
This letter tackles the problem of energy-efficient coverage path planning for exploring general surfaces by an autonomous vehicle. Efficient algorithms are developed to generate paths on freeform 3-D surfaces according to a special design pattern as height extremity aware Fer ...
This letter tackles the problem of energy-efficient coverage path planning for exploring general surfaces by an autonomous vehicle. Efficient algorithms are developed to generate paths on freeform 3-D surfaces according to a special design pattern as height extremity aware Fer ...
Offsetting-based hollowing is a solid modeling operation widely used in 3D printing, which can change the model's physical properties and reduce the weight by generating voids inside a model. However, a hollowing operation can lead to additional supporting structures for fabri ...
This paper presents a new method to fabricate 3D models on a robotic printing system equipped with multi-axis motion. Materials are accumulated inside the volume along curved tool-paths so that the need of supporting structures can be tremendously reduced - if not completely a ...
This article presents an easy, flexible and interactive tool for partitioning a 3D model, which is larger than a 3D printers working volume, into printable parts in an intuitive way. Our tool is based on the elegant partitioning optimization framework Chopper. Our tool aims at ...
This article presents an easy, flexible and interactive tool for partitioning a 3D model, which is larger than a 3D printers working volume, into printable parts in an intuitive way. Our tool is based on the elegant partitioning optimization framework Chopper. Our tool aims at ...
An Easy-to-Build Self-Reconfigurable Robot with Optimized Design
A robotic system for support-free fabrication using FDM
This paper presents a robotic system - RoboFDM that targets at printing 3D models without support-structures, which is considered as the major restriction to the flexibility of 3D printing. The hardware of RoboFDM consists of a robotic arm providing 6-DOF motion to the platfor ...
A robotic system for support-free fabrication using FDM
This paper presents a robotic system - RoboFDM that targets at printing 3D models without support-structures, which is considered as the major restriction to the flexibility of 3D printing. The hardware of RoboFDM consists of a robotic arm providing 6-DOF motion to the platfor ...
Recently, 3D printing has become a powerful tool for personal fabrication. However, the price of some materials is still high which limits its applications in home users. To optimize the volume of the model, while not largely affecting the strength of the objects, researchers ...