M. D. Bradley
18 records found
Effectiveness of the Inclusive Design Wheel in Practice
Lessons from Five Pilot Projects
Understanding Real People
Going Beyond Single Severe Capability Loss
Interaction Patterns
The Key to Unlocking Digital Exclusion Assessment?
Designing autonomy in cars
A survey and two focus groups on driving habits of an inclusive user group, and group attitudes towards autonomous cars
Despite a large literature on autonomous vehicles and a large number of relevant surveys examining public perception of self-driving vehicles, recent studies suggest that reported public perception is rapidly changing, volatile, and highly dependent on context and potential bi ...
This paper presents formative research to inform the design of intelligent automotive user interfaces. It describes an evaluation of dialogue-based interfaces, mediating the driver to take back control from the autonomous mode of a car. Four concepts designed to increase drive ...
The user experience can be greatly affected by the demands made by packaging on users' capabilities such as vision and dexterity. Packaging with features that are hard to see, manipulate, or understand can result in difficulty, frustration, or even outright exclusion. This par ...
Empathic engineering
Helping deliver dignity through design
This paper describes the University of Cambridge, Engineering Design Centre's (EDC) case for inclusive design, based on 10 years of research, promotion and knowledge transfer. In summary, inclusive design applies an understanding of customer diversity to inform decisions throu ...
Age, technology prior experience and ease of use
Who's doing what?
Designers often assume that their users will have some digital technological prior experience. We examined these levels of prior experience by surveying frequency and ease of technology use with a range of technology products. 362 people participated as part of a UK nationwide ...
Older user errors in handheld touchscreen devices
To what extent is prediction possible?
Touchscreen technology has been shown to offer advantages to older and novice users of digital products, through the relative ease of learning the interaction mechanisms and flexibility of the interface to provide explicit and contextual labelling enabling task sequences to be ...