Society is stuck in daily routines, led by social norms and conventions. Often we are unaware of this, while life can be much richter if we would subvert from these routines every once in a while. These routines prevent us from seeing everything that there is. Our expectations ne
Society is stuck in daily routines, led by social norms and conventions. Often we are unaware of this, while life can be much richter if we would subvert from these routines every once in a while. These routines prevent us from seeing everything that there is. Our expectations need to be subverted.
Usually it is reserved for artists to make people look at the world differently. But precisely because architecture is much more common, much more everyday, than art, it is architecture that has the possibility to subvert our expectations and make our lives richer. In my research I’ve researched this moment, how you can do this, and how to apply this.
I created a digital collection of more than 120 exemplary architecture and art projects. Each project was analysed and tagged on their effects on people, the senses and elements that were used and the type of project it is. Furthermore I tagged them on more binary aspects: size, placement, timeframe, kinetic, relation and color. This made it possible for me to easily analyse them further, sort and compare them with a few clicks.
From this collection I’ve found 8 methods how to subvert one’s expectations: confusion, curiosity, disruption, humour, imagination, play, provocation and wonder.
From the research I found that public space is good place for the subversion of our expectations. As it is a place where people adapt themselves most to social norms and conventions, but also a place where much freedom and beauty is to be found.
Furthermore I found that subverting ones expectations has a certain expiration date, after a certain while an intervention is not unexpected anymore. Thus it needs to be temporary.
As carrier and test site for these ideas, the design brief was a temporary public toilet.
The toilet is located in the city center of Rotterdam, on Steiger, an expedition street; a back alley that is barely used. By subverting our expectations we become more aware of the public space surrounding us, and it motivates us to make use of it.
The public toilet is an experience in which almost all of the subversive methods are used. From spectator to participant, from the route towards the toilet to the actual peeing itself.
Your expectations will be subverted, your life will be richer, and the location will be activated.