Nikki E. Kolfschoten

7 records found


Objective: To identify, on the basis of past performance, those hospitals that demonstrate good outcomes in sufficient numbers to make it likely that they will provide adequate quality of care in the future, using a combined measure of volume and outcome (CM-V&O). To compare this ...

Nonelective colon cancer resections in elderly patients

Results from the dutch surgical colorectal audit

Aims: The aim of the study was to assess which factors contribute to postoperative mortality, especially in elderly patients who undergo emergency colon cancer resections, using a nationwide population-based database. Methods: 6,161 patients (1,172 nonelective) who underwent a co ...

Urgente darmresecties bij ouderen met coloncarcinoom

Resultaten van de Dutch surgical colorectal audit

Objective: The aim of the study was to identify risk factors for postoperative mortality in patients undergoing surgery for colon cancer. We looked specifically at patients ≥ 80 years of age in whom a nonelective colon cancer resection was performed. Study Design: Observationa ...

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the safety of laparoscopic colorectal cancer resections in a nationwide population-based study. BACKGROUND: Although laparoscopic techniques are increasingly used in colorectal cancer surgery, little is known on results outside trials. With the fast i ...

Aims: We propose a summarizing measure for outcome indicators, representing the proportion of patients for whom all desired short-term outcomes of care (a 'textbook outcome') is realized. The aim of this study was to investigate hospital variation in the proportion of patients ...

Objective: To determine if composite measures based on process indicators are consistent with short-term outcome indicators in surgical colorectal cancer care. Design: Longitudinal analysis of consistency between composite measures based on process indicators and outcome indic ...

Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine how expected mortality based on case-mix varies between colorectal cancer patients treated in non-teaching, teaching and university hospitals, or high, intermediate and low-volume hospitals in the Netherlands. Material and metho ...