Geert De Schutter

40 records found


To properly control the reaction kinetics and fresh properties evolution in conventional alkali-activated materials (AAMs), a conceptual design of two-stream AAMs has been proposed in this study. This is achieved by dividing the solid and liquid components in AAMs, including b ...


Insights into the cracking process via lattice fracture simulation at mesoscale based on the chemical reactions at microscale

In our former paper, based on a published 3D reactive transport model at microscale with the capability of simulating the chemical reactions involved in ASR, the location of expansive ASR gel related to the reactivity of aggregate, temperature, aggregate porosity and silica co ...

In this paper, 871 data were collected from literature and trained by the 4 representative machine learning methods, in order to build a robust compressive strength predictive model for slag and fly ash based alkali activated concretes. The optimum models of each machine learn ...

Cementitious materials exposed to marine and saline environments are commonly threatened by a combined attack of sulfate and chloride ions. This study developed a numerical framework to investigate two combined coupling mechanisms of 1) coupled solid-liquid chemical reactions ...

Alkali-activated material (AAM) is developed as a green alternative binder to replace Portland cement (PC) in the construction field. However, the large-scale application with AAM concrete is limited so far, with the insufficient knowledge of rheological behavior being a major ...

Rheology of alkali-activated slag pastes

New insight from microstructural investigations by cryo-SEM

This study aims to interpret the early-stage rheology of alkali-activated slag (AAS) paste from microstructure perspectives. The microstructures visualized by cryogenic scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM) revealed the essential distinction between hydroxide and silicate-ac ...

A review

Reaction mechanism and strength of slag and fly ash-based alkali-activated materials

Alkali-activated materials (AAM) are known to be environmentally friendly alternatives to cement-based materials because they can potentially reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reutilize industrial by-products/wastes. To study the factors influencing the strength of slag base ...

Future perspectives for alkali‐activated materials

From existing standards to structural applications

The production of cement and concrete contributes significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions. Alkali‐activated concretes (AACs) are a family of existing alternative construction materials that could reduce the current environmental impact of Portland cement (PC) producti ...

Fresh and hardened properties of alkali-activated slag concrete

The effect of fly ash as a supplementary precursor

The present study explores the possibility of replacing blast furnace slag (BFS) with coal fly ash (FA) to produce alkali-activated material (AAM) concrete with hybrid precursors. With an increased FA replacement ratio, the reaction kinetics, fresh and hardened properties of A ...

This study provides a detailed investigation on the reproducibility of two groups of alkali-activated slag (AAS) mixtures, from both fresh properties and strength development perspectives. Three different commercial sodium silicate solutions and one lab-produced silicate activ ...

A 3D reactive transport model at microscale is proposed for simulating the chemical reaction process of alkali silica reaction (ASR) thermodynamically and kinetically including the dissolution of reactive silica, the nucleation and growth of ASR products and the dissolution of ...

Prediction of alkali silica reaction is still difficult due to the lack of a comprehensive understanding of its chemical fundamentals. In-site experimentally revealing the fundamentals is not realistic as ASR shows over several years or even decades and is affected by many fac ...

Recent developments in concrete technology with high potential include ultra high performance concrete and self-compacting fibre reinforced concrete, which have a flowable consistency and can transport relatively high fibre dosages. Flowability is achieved by adopted mix design a ...

The microstructure of alkali-reactive aggregates, especially the spatial distribution of the pore and reactive silica phase, plays a significant role in the process of the alkali silica reaction (ASR) in concrete, as it determines not only the reaction front of ASR but also th ...

The present study aims to evaluate the characterization of combustion ash of miscanthus and its possible application for self-desiccation and autogenous shrinkage mitigation in cement-based materials. Comprehensive tests were performed on the sealed samples to evaluate the behavi ...

Effective diffusivity of cement pastes from virtual microstructures

Role of gel porosity and capillary pore percolation

The role of capillary pores percolation and gel pores are investigated to explain the underlying differences between relative diffusivity obtained from different experimental techniques using microstructures generated from two different types of hydration model viz., CEMHYD3D ...

Diffusivity of saturated ordinary Portland cement-based materials

A critical review of experimental and analytical modelling approaches

This paper provides a comprehensive overview of existing experimental and modelling approaches to determine effective diffusion coefficients of water saturated ordinary Portland cement-based materials. A dataset for diffusivity obtained from different experimental techniques h ...

Effect of the mix design of self-compacting concrete

Reduction of the environmental impact

Advantages of concrete are freedom of shape, possibilities to integrate other functions and components, to build structures with limited maintenance costs, ease of use and very high durability. The use of sustainable building materials is important because they are used in large ...
This work aims at providing a better understanding of the mechanical properties of the reaction rim in the alkali-silica reaction. The elastic modulus of the calcium alkali silicate constituting the reaction rim, which is formed at the interface between alkali silicate and Ca(OH) ...


Proceedings of the Symposium on Concrete Modelling

CONMOD2018 27-30 August 2018 – Delft, Netherlands

CONMOD2018 is a symposium on Concrete Modelling which is jointly organised by Delft University and Ghent University as part of the RILEM week 2018 in Delft, The Netherlands. The symposium is the 5th in a series dealing with all aspects concerning modelling of concrete at various ...