The city of Amsterdam grows annually with approximately 12,000 inhabitants. However, one of the problems Amsterdam encounters is the fact that the housing stock appears to be scarce. Especially for the low- and mid-income group it is very difficult to find suitable housing. The m
The city of Amsterdam grows annually with approximately 12,000 inhabitants. However, one of the problems Amsterdam encounters is the fact that the housing stock appears to be scarce. Especially for the low- and mid-income group it is very difficult to find suitable housing. The main reason why more and more people are looking for rental property in the middle segment is because this group of people do not qualify for social housing and are locked out of home ownership, due to a lack of income and savings. The mid income group is therefore large and diverse, consisting of singles, couples and families that strongly contribute to the socio-economic power of the Metropolitan region of Amsterdam.
The so-called ‘Woonagenda 2025’ (Housing Agenda 2025), a framework and directional document for residential policy in Amsterdam until 2025, finds great shortages in mid-sector rental housing. Therefore the municipality of Amsterdam is committed to realizing more affordable housing for the middle class in the price range of € 710, - and € 1.100, - per month. As a result Amsterdam strives to build 20.000 new mid-sector rental homes by 2025. This new development in the mid-rent sector reduces the pressure on the housing market and increases the success rate for the middle income group. This leads to a more differentiated, attractive and undivided city of Amsterdam, in all parts of the city. Another advantage is that, moving people with middle income from the social sector to suitable middle-class sector creates opportunities for new entrants in the social housing sector.
Availability of suitable living space for employees in the business sector and public sector (teachers, nursing staff, assistants, etc.) promotes the business environment and the quality of the city and is thus the basis for further economic growth.
The aim of my graduation project is to develop housing for the free market rental segment with a rent between € 710 and € 1,100. The project mainly focusses on housing young professionals (people in their 20s and 30s who are employed in a profession), by designing affordable dwellings which meet the needs of mid-income households.