David Koenders

2 records found


Interaction between UTES systems

A simulation study to asses the effect of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage systems on the efficiency of Borehole Heat Exchangers

Underground thermal energy storage (UTES) is an efficient technique to fulfill the heating and cooling demand of buildings. UTES uses stable subsurface temperatures store and extract energy. This study covers two types of UTES systems: aquifer thermal energy systems (ATES) and bo ...

Improving water efficiency and crop yield on a sugarcane plantation in Xinavane, Mozambique

An analysis of irrigation practices, yield variability and the potential of a decision support system

This report contains the findings of a multidisciplinary project in Mozambique which ran from mid-November 2018 to mid-January 2019. This study is part of the IWACA-TECH project, which is an abbreviation for “Improved Water efficiency Control based on remote sensing TECHnologies. ...