56 records found


Buildings located close to busy roads, industry or stock farms, are of risk of increased indoor particle concentrations, which negatively impacts the health of the building occupants. In order to reduce the exposure of the building occupants, it is important to take measures to r ...

Forest Landscape Restoration as Design Strategy for Resilient Heritage Estate Landscapes

The Case of the Baakse Beek Region, Gelderland Province, the Netherlands

Heritage estate landscapes are clusters of historical estates with their gardens and agricultural land. These heritage estate landscapes suffer from climate change (abundance and shortage of water), spatial fragmentation through urbanization, and loss of identity through economic ...

Vertical greenery systems

From plants to trees with self-growing interconnections

The integration of buildings into vegetation has become a necessity in many metropolitan areas of the world today. It expands the potential of vertical and horizontal, exterior and interior, exposed and enclosed spaces in a building that can be used to accommodate plants. Gree ...

Ultra fijnstof en fijnstof in de lucht is afkomstig van natuurlijke en antropogene bronnen. Vooral de antropogene bronnen zijn zeer schadelijk voor de menselijke gezondheid en werken zelfs door in cleanrooms.@en
Natures and anthropogenic particulates can travel long distances on wind flows, but negative electrical charge due to friction can increase dispersion. Models for calculations of distance travelling of biological particulate matter with and without charge are never been calculate ...
A global net sum equilibrium in heat exchange is a fact and thus a global climate change doesn’t exist, but climate shifts in climate cells, especially in the northern temperate cell, do. The global climate has been ever since homeostatic, and has recuperated far huger climate im ...
A study of the effectiveness of mangroves in attenuating cyclone- induced waves was done using the SWAN 40.81 numerical model. Hydraulic parameters during extreme events and local mangrove vegetation parameters were estimated for the Kanika Sands mangrove island near the upcoming ...
The aim of this research is to develop a novel self-healing system which involves hollow plant fibres to repair the concrete cracks. The hollow pant fibres are first modified in order to hold a large quantify of healing agent without giving healing agent up until destruction. Whe ...


The future of interurban forest structures ?!

A proposal for a new critical approach towards the design of drought adaptive interurban forest structures

This graduation project proposes a new critical approach towards the design of drought adaptive interurban forest structures. The increasing drought during the summer is currently neglected in the design (and management) of green structures in the Netherlands. Several studies un ...
The research focuses on the estate zone of the Baakse Beek region which is facing environmental problems mainly caused by historical human intervention and climate change. Besides, in the Vorden cluster, as the land use changing caused by intense land reclamation and consolidatio ...

Capturing the Plant-Water Dynamics of Corn

A study on the stomatal conductance and the leaf water potential of corn during the growing season

This study aims to characterize the variation in stomatal conductance and leaf water potential of corn plant in height over time on a diurnal time-scale and on a seasonal time-scale, under well-watered and water stressed conditions.
An additional objective was the development ...

Emergent Natures

Interactive Botanical Attraction in Vienna

Humanity is facing a special point in history, the era of industrialisation is over soon and we are at the beginning of the Post-Anthropocene. Botanical gardens should be the place to present and forecast these changes. However, the design of botanical gardens remained undevelope ...
What can we learn from nature? And how can we tackle problems our conventional methods cannot solve? From 13 September – 9 January 2018 the TU Delft Library will host the exhibition ‘Bioinspired – Designing the Surface. Creative Learning from Nature’ . This exhibition shows ...