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26 records found
Shortest paths in stochastic time-dependent networks with link travel time correlation
Journal article (2013) -
W Dong
Yoni Nazarathy
M. Li
S.P. Hoogendoorn
Shortest paths in stochastic time-dependent networks with link travel time correlation
Conference paper (2013) -
W Dong
Yoni Nazarathy
M. Li
S.P. Hoogendoorn
Feasibility study of a nuclear powered blended wing body aircraft for the Cruiser/Feeder concept
Conference paper (2013) -
G. la Rocca
M Chiozzi
M. Li
Effectiveness of signal coordination for pedestrian flows considering bi-directional flow impacts
Journal article (2013) -
WKM Alhajyaseen
M. Li
H. Nakamura
W. Daamen
Preprogrammed 2D foldiing of conformationally flexible oligoamides: foldamers with multiple turn elements
Journal article (2012) -
C. Gobbo
M. Li
KS Mali
J.H. van Esch
S de Feyter
Load monitoring of aerospace structures utilizing micro-electro-mechanical systems for static and quasi-static loading conditions
Journal article (2012) -
M. MartÃnez
B Rocha
M. Li
G Shi
A Beltempo
R Rutledge
M Yanishevsky
Bedform characteristics during falling flood stage and morphodynamic interpretation of the middle-lower Changjiang (Yangtze) River channel, China
Journal article (2012) -
J Chen
Zhengbing Wang
M. Li
T Wei
Zhuoyao Chen
Molecular patterning at a liquid/solid interface: the foldamer approach
Journal article (2011) -
M. Li
C. Gobbo
I de Cat
R. Eelkema
B Van Averbeke
R Lazzaroni
S de Feyter
J.H. van Esch
Three dimensional seismic full waveform inversion using the finite-difference contrast source inversion method
Journal article (2011) -
A Abubakar
G Pan
M. Li
Letian Zhang
TM Habashy
P.M. van den Berg
Effectiveness of signal coordination for pedestrian flows considering bi-directional flow impacts
Conference paper (2011) -
WKM Alhajyaseen
H. Nakamura
M. Li
W. Daamen
Optimization of submerged ceramic micromembrane filtration for surface water treatment
Conference paper (2010) -
J. Lu
B Hofs
L.C. Rietveld
ER Cornelissen
S Bakker
Sebastiaan Heijman
M. Li
Extension of finite-difference contrast source inversion method to 3D geometries
Conference paper (2010) -
A Abubakar
TM Habashy
M. Li
G Pan
Letian Zhang
P.M. van den Berg
Evaluation of signal coordination for pedestrian and vehicular flows
Conference paper (2010) -
WKM Alhajyaseen
M. Li
W. Daamen
H. Nakamura
Precise positioning of functional elements in nanopatterns by self-assembly
Poster (2010) -
C. Gobbo
I de Cat
M. Li
S de Feyter
J.H. van Esch
Modelling the performance of ecc repair systems under differential volume changes
Conference paper (2009) -
J Zhou
M. Li
G. Ye
E. Schlangen
K. van Breugel
Chunjie Li
Application of multiplicative regularized contrast source inversion method on 3D experimental Fresnel data
Journal article (2009) -
M. Li
A Abubakar
P.M. van den Berg
Molecular patterning of solid-liquid interfaces with self-assembling monolayers
Poster (2009) -
C. Gobbo
I de Cat
M. Li
S de Feyter
J.H. van Esch
Molecular patterning of solid-liquid interfaces with foldamers
Poster (2009) -
C. Gobbo
M. Li
S de Feyter
J.H. van Esch
3D Fresnel Data Inversion Using MR-CSI Algorithm
Conference paper (2009) -
M. Li
A Abubakar
P.M. van den Berg
Self-doping caused by oxygen displacements in heavy-ion irradiated Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x crystals
Journal article (2002) -
M. Li
CJ van der Beek
M Konczykowski
H.W. Zandbergen