Anton Montagne

18 records found


Structured Electronics Design

A Conceptual Approach to Amplifier Design

Many people consider analog electronic circuit design complex. This is because designers can achieve the desired performance of a circuit in many ways. Together, theoretical concepts, circuit topologies, electronic devices, their operating conditions, and the system's physical co ...
We are developing content and software to automate the homologation for our Electronics courses to deal with the increasing diversity in knowledge and skills of the master students who have completed their bachelor’s at other universities. The courses’ content has been structured ...
In the last decades, there has been a steady adoption of digital online platforms as learning environments applied to all levels of education. This increasing adoption forces a transition in educational resources which has further been accelerated by the recent pandemic, leading ...
The frequency range below 30 MHz remains one of the last unexplored frequency ranges in radio astronomy However, Earth-based observations at these wavelengths are severely impeded, due to man-made radio frequency interference (RFI) and atmospheric opacity. To overcome this impedi ...


The Coil-Hall Hybrid Current Sensor

Exploring the Limits of CMOS High-Speed Low-Noise Current Sensing

With the rising demand for high-bandwidth, high-resolution current sensors, commonly used Hall-effect devices fall short due to their relatively high wide-band noise. The coil-Hall hybrid architecture addresses this issue by combining the Hall plate with a pick-up coil, known for ...

The Coil-Hall Hybrid Current Sensor

Exploring the Limits of CMOS High-Speed Low-Noise Current Sensing

With the rising demand for high-bandwidth, high-resolution current sensors, commonly used Hall-effect devices fall short due to their relatively high wide-band noise. The coil-Hall hybrid architecture addresses this issue by combining the Hall plate with a pick-up coil, known for ...
The Lunar Zebro rover is a nano rover designed by student research team Lunar Zebro at the Technical University of Delft. This rover will be sent to the lunar surface to conduct scientific experiments. In order to protect the rover during transit and facilitate successful deploym ...
This report presents a bandgap reference voltage source that achieves 5-sigma Inaccuracy of ±0.5% from -40C to 150C under 16FFC process. This is the first time 16nm techniques are used in automotive products and the first time trying to realize analog circuits in such a process f ...
Class D amplifiers find widespread application in audio devices for driving load speakers, primarily due to their remarkable efficiency. Nonetheless, this enhanced efficiency often comes at the expense of reduced linearity. Hence, techniques for reducing Total Harmonic Distortion ...
As electromagnetic waves cannot propagate sufficiently far in water, underwater communication is mainly performed using either acoustics or optics. However, none of these technologies have been proven to be completely effective in every situation. Therefore, research in new under ...
This thesis describes the design of a CMOS magnetic field sensor system for measuring electronic currents. A hybrid system, using Hall plates and a pick-up loop is chosen to obtain improved performance compared to conventional Hall based magnetic field sensors. The pick up loop e ...
Unmanned underwater vehicles benefit from communication with a high data rate on relatively small distances (under 100 m). Existing communication methods are not able to provide this or present other shortcomings. Therefore, this bachelor end project focuses on a new type of unde ...
Modern communication systems have a strong need for low-cost and high-stability frequency references. Although low-cost crystal oscillators can easily be realized and are available to the market in large quantities, crystal oscillators with frequency stability in the ppb(10^{-9}) ...
This thesis discusses the basic architecture, design details, circuit implementation, and measurements of a digital class D current driver.
The driver contains two main parts: a digital control loop and analog circuits.
Parts of the important part in the digital control l ...
The need to understand how the brain works has sparked interest in electrode arrays to record neural signals. Intracellular recordings with nanoelectrodes that penetrate the cell allow better signal quality and additional functions such as voltage clamping to set the neuron's tra ...


CUbesat for Radio Astronomy at Low Frequencies

Space launches have been steadily increasing over the years as satellites are being used in various applications such as communication, military, and science. The costs of launching satellites are still high and depend on the dimensions and weight of the satellite. With the advan ...
The goal of this bachelor thesis is to develop a control system that controls the temperature of a microthruster. This system also needs to acquire data for research. The microthruster contains a resistor that is used both as a heater and as a sensor. To facilitate the acquisitio ...
The objective of the project is to design a system which can control the temperature of a va-porizing liquid microthruster (VLM). The liquid in a VLM is heated using a heater resistor.This resistor will be used to both heat the liquid and measure the temperature.In this thesis th ...